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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Hammoud: There is a large intersection with Karkh Health Department .. and the lack of allocations c

    Admin Assist
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    Hammoud: There is a large intersection with Karkh Health Department .. and the lack of allocations c Empty Hammoud: There is a large intersection with Karkh Health Department .. and the lack of allocations c

    Post by Rocky Tue 16 Aug 2016, 3:37 am

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    Hammoud: There is a large intersection with Karkh Health Department .. and the lack of allocations caused the deterioration of the health situation

     Baghdad / Ghazanfar Laibi 

    The Minister of Health Adila Hammoud, on Monday, that the intersection between work and visited with the Karkh Health Department led to a "problematic" caused the deterioration of the health situation. The governor of Baghdad , revealed the existence of four investigations into Yarmouk Hospital accident, all of which are still not final, described the incident as "terrorist." 

    This came through the hosting of the House of Representatives of the Secretary of Health and Adila Hammoud and a number of officials at the ministry and the governor of Baghdad , Ali al - Tamimi and thehead of the Baghdad Provincial Council Riad dentex and a number of officials and the Director General of civil defense in connection with a fire Yarmouk hospital incident. 
    a statement by the media Department of the House of Representatives in a statement the "long" received acopy of it, that " the health minister expressed its objection to the presence of the Director of Health BAGHDAD - Al - Karkh it is not carrying an official status for his removal from office building on my book of the prime minister is as well as the issuance of a ministerial order this, noting that the Director of Health Baghdad Karkh cut off from the official working hours and has a junction with the work of the ministry and the lawsuit. " 
    she added Hammoud, according to the statement," the fire unfortunate and very painful led to innocent victims after a fire broke out in the lobby of premature infants was directed ambulances and civil defense as well as communication with the governor of Baghdad , about the incident , "asserting that " the formation ofan investigative committee in the ministry headed by the Inspector General and preview the scene ,accompanied by Minister Office has been investigating with workers in the hallway about the incident . " . 
    She explained that " the initial report indicates the materials involved in the installation of benzene , which isbelieved to be raise the suspicion that a fire had been by this article, but the investigation is still underway on the incident by the Ministry of the Interior and forensics , civil defense , " pointing to "the existence of full intersection between the Ministry and the Department of Health Karkh given rise to many problematic its consequences have led to the deterioration of the health situation in the health Karkh institutions and recording cons not treated in hospitals, including the Yarmouk hospital. " 
    the statement continued that" the Inspector General of the Ministry of Health reviewed the details of theincident through for electric deficit contactless Doctors and nurses Kavron for control despite evacuate the nine children of the hallway, explaining that the report of the forensic evidence for the incident proved caused by arson , "noting that" administrative report proved a default in the safety and security measures at Yarmouk hospital in specifically lobby premature and lack of real reform plan that led to the accident. " 
    on the subject of the transfer of powers Hammoud said that" the ministry began to unzip health departments link in the ministry and the transfer of powers based on a decision in this regard , "noting that" the health departments in Baghdad and independent provinces financially , "pointing to" lack of financial allocations to theministry which impacted negatively on the reality of the health sector. " in 
    turn, the governor of Baghdad , Ali al - Tamimi said that" Mahrgueta Yarmouk, Karrada were still Tadmaan heart demanding hosted in the House of Representatives to view the needs of the province, referring to theNB of the incident from the moment of hindsight, alluding to the presence of four investigations into theincident carried out by both forensic and civil defense and the province of Baghdad and the Inspector General of the Ministry of Health, all of which are still not final. " 
    Tamimi said that" the province conducted an investigation with the hospital director and his assistant and director of the civil defense included recommendations to download the responsibility of the hospital rags protection and entry materials used the incident to lobby premature and coordination with the investigative competent to search for the person who burned the lobby with the importance of open civil defense center at Yarmouk hospital, "noting that " the allocation of 9 million dinars for the safety measures for hospitals and clinics in the health Karkh it is not enough to provide those actions. " 
    he said the governor of Baghdad , said the " fire Yarmouk hospital incident was a terrorist It was the arrest ofeight employees Negotiable number to increase ", calling for" the expansion of the investigation into theincident through the auspices of the Council of Representatives. "
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