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    Welcome to visit the Kuwaiti Prime Minister to Iraq

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    Welcome to visit the Kuwaiti Prime Minister to Iraq     Empty Welcome to visit the Kuwaiti Prime Minister to Iraq

    Post by Hkp1 Wed 12 Jun 2013, 7:27 pm

    Welcome to visit the Kuwaiti Prime Minister to Iraq

    13/06/2013 12:00 AM

    BAGHDAD - morning - Shaima Rashid
    MPs and politicians welcomed the visiting Prime Minister of Kuwait to Baghdad in order to close the outstanding issues and work to remove Iraq from Chapter VII, which strained the country for many years.

    The Kuwaiti Prime Minister Jaber Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah arrived on Wednesday in Baghdad on an official visit at the head of a Kuwaiti delegation high, where they discussed a range of outstanding issues between the two countries, and signed a number of agreements and memoranda of understanding between the two countries included aspects of economic, commercial, cultural, environmental and diplomatic and transport.

    Deputy Prime Minister for Energy Hussain al-Shahristani in a statement »Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network» Wednesday: The «This visit comes to crown the past efforts of the two countries to develop relations at all levels of political, economic, social, popular and common action, and go together to the United Nations to remove Iraq of Chapter VII.

    Shahristani said that «most of the outstanding problems between the two neighbors Iraq and Kuwait have been treated, because of the sincerity and genuine with the leaderships of the two countries to end these files», adding that «was liquidated the consequences of the excesses of the former regime on Kuwait, and the Problems of demarcation of the border between the two countries to get out of Chapter VII and fulfill Iraq its obligations to the UN resolutions. was foreign ministers of Iraq and Kuwait has confirmed in a press conference in Baghdad on Wednesday near the orientation together to New York to finalize arrangements to remove Iraq from Chapter VII.

    For his part, welcomed the MP for the coalition of state law Mohammed Chihod this visit, returned O visit is very important and the beginning of a new page of relations between the two countries, leading to a high degree of understanding of all the issues and problems facing the two sides.

    Said Chihod in an interview with the «Center Brief for network Iraqi Media »Wednesday: The« Iraq and in all of its obligations towards Kuwait, especially financial and today Kuwait claim that fulfill their obligations towards Iraq, especially in regards to Chapter VII, despite the fact that the Iraqi people was not a party president in what happened in the relationship with Kuwait, but the system Previous ».,

    and continued:« Most of the files were settled with Kuwait, which draws the border and the money owed by Iraq and stayed file missing Kuwaitis, so I think that there is anything disturb the relationship between the two sides and to Kuwait to work for the lifting of Chapter VII on Iraq ». to So, he called the Iraqi List MP Hamza Alkrtani the State of Kuwait to have to deal positively with the Iraqi file and build good neighborly relations with him.

    He Alkrtani in a statement »Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network» Wednesday, that «Iraq wishes to Kuwait to consider into brotherhood and good neighborliness to Iraq, especially since the Iraqi government made a lot of concessions in order to get the support of Kuwait so we need to positions more line from Kuwait. The Alkrtani pointed out that «in the interest of Kuwait to close the Iraqi file, if it wants to build good relations».
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    Welcome to visit the Kuwaiti Prime Minister to Iraq     Empty Re: Welcome to visit the Kuwaiti Prime Minister to Iraq

    Post by weslin3 Wed 12 Jun 2013, 7:31 pm

    "was foreign ministers of Iraq and Kuwait has confirmed in a press conference in Baghdad on Wednesday near the orientation together to New York to finalize arrangements to remove Iraq from Chapter VII."

    Okay. So does this mean they are coming to New YorK?
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    Post by Hkp1 Wed 12 Jun 2013, 7:36 pm

    weslin3 wrote:"was foreign ministers of Iraq and Kuwait has confirmed in a press conference in Baghdad on Wednesday near the orientation together to New York to finalize arrangements to remove Iraq from Chapter VII."

    Okay. So does this mean they are coming to New YorK?
    Yes they are headed there NOW!!! :D
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    Post by Hkp1 Wed 12 Jun 2013, 7:38 pm

    Ban Ki Moon should have read & received the report by Kuwait & Iraq by the 14th... & the decision will be on the 27th at the UNSC.
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    Welcome to visit the Kuwaiti Prime Minister to Iraq     Empty Re: Welcome to visit the Kuwaiti Prime Minister to Iraq

    Post by Hkp1 Wed 12 Jun 2013, 7:41 pm

    Kuwaiti Iraqi agreement to come out of 'Chapter VII'

    13-06-2013 | (Voice of Iraq) - Add a comment -
    Baghdad: Hamza Mustafa Kuwait: Ahmed Essa

    Iraq and Kuwait signed a series of bilateral agreements in the political, economic, cultural and environmental during the visit of Prime Minister of Kuwait Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Sabah to Baghdad yesterday, to Ataiwia page done by the invasion of the former Iraqi regime of the State of Kuwait in 1990.

    Said Ali al-Moussawi, media adviser to Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, told «Middle East» that «this visit is different from any previous visit to a Kuwaiti official to Iraq; terms of being folded completely page of the past, including the legacy left behind by us Saddam Hussein ».

    For his part, the Kuwaiti Foreign Minister Sheikh Sabah Al-Khalid Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah in a joint press conference with Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari that «our discussions with brotherly Iraq was successful and we have made progress in the files relating to the obligations of Iraq and Kuwait.

    He added that «Kuwait, the Security Council will be the progress made for the purpose of transfer of Iraq from Chapter VII to Chapter VI of the Charter of the United Nations».

    In turn, explained Zebari said «the most important findings of the two parties is agreed that goes by the Permanent Representatives of the two countries to the United Nations together to the Secretary-General of the United Nations to ينقلا him a letter confirming meet Iraq's obligations to Kuwait, and go delegates jointly gives great symbolic meaning that Iraq was completed requirements set forth in the resolutions of the United Nations and the Secretary-General will later for new United Nations report to the Security Council on 14 June, the current will be issued later on a draft resolution to the Security Council to close this file.|en&oe=UTF8&prev=/language_tools&
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    Post by weslin3 Wed 12 Jun 2013, 7:44 pm

    Wow.... Thanks Hkp1. This is really getting close.... to a close....   bounce
    Bama Diva
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    Post by Bama Diva Wed 12 Jun 2013, 8:55 pm

    Question:   Is it possible that the "consultation" on the 27th can be changed to an  "adoption" meeting on the calendar?? Or must it remain consultation and the adoption can't happen until July??
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    Post by Screwball Thu 13 Jun 2013, 12:30 am

    is an emergency meeting possible??? around the 27th to Adopt??

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    Post by notazbad2000 Thu 13 Jun 2013, 4:32 am

    There is still a timetable in place, I wonder if they will stick to it!


    The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.
    Martin Luther King Jr., Strength to Love, 1963

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