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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    The terrorists of different nationalities to group Jhadih..kev get this?

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    The terrorists of different nationalities to group Jhadih..kev get this? Empty The terrorists of different nationalities to group Jhadih..kev get this?

    Post by Rocky Tue 04 Oct 2016, 2:33 am

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    .. The terrorists of different nationalities to group Jhadih..kev get this?

    d. Qassim Hussein Saleh 

    | Episode II |
    We dealt with in the first episode and the point of view of psychiatrists Iraqis at home and in Britain concerning the problematic seized the attention of psychologists, social and involved with terrorist groups, and identified the following:
    Alarbion to Iraq, Syria and Libya come from different backgrounds: religiously, socially, educationally, ideology, internationally, lifetime ... and succeed jihadist organizations in recruiting and integrating them in a single homogeneous: socially and ideologically, and Danaa..vkiv this? Gets 
    in this Episode summarize the views of theelite of academics, intellectuals and journalists regarding two issues: the causes of the phenomenon of terrorism, personal characteristics terrorist .. 
    First: the causes of the phenomenon of terrorism 
     identified the sample (17) the cause of the phenomenon of terrorism. And the classification and analyzing theresults show that seven religious reasons was ranked first, are: vulnerable religious symbols provide Tnzira (convincing) for the behavior of the terrorist, gravitate towards movements that mixes religion and politics, influenced by clerics who promote the ideas of sectarianism and against the Shiites in particular, theimplementation of what it preaches fatwas to do of villas call it jihad, blind obedience to leaders of religious extremist groups, and there are sharp divisions between the secular intellectual open stream and stream religious wallets, and intolerance of ideas adopted by religious symbols caused by the absence of dialogue between religious scholars to resolve what is different it. Followed by three social reasons was to: accompany teenagers or young delinquents tend to rebel against authority, including vulnerability to broadcast media inciting terrorist acts, methods wrong upbringing in childhood, such as cruelty, rejection, neglect and contempt. The three political reasons are: the belief that what others call the culture of terrorism is when theterrorist culture of resistance, the expectation that the breach of royal power stations by supportive actors of terrorism helps to achieve the goals, and moved by what broadcast on Western political media culture aimed at control of the country and people. The economists are two reasons: the feeling that the major powers have dominated the state 's economy, and the belief that the increase in the number of unemployed provides theopportunity to gain large numbers of terrorists. And clinical psychologists are two reasons: the anger and resentment of rapid political and social changes, the feeling of hatred and revenge , which pays the owner of the Nile , who sees it unjust. As identified sample causes foreigners join the organization in: the feeling ofalienation within their own countries and the lack of social justice, a love of adventure and quest for fame, unloading aggressive motives govern them, and victory for humanitarian issue they see as unfair. 
    Although religious reasons was the strongest in the prevalence of the phenomenon of terrorism, but that consideration should be given to this phenomenon as multiple reasons, not just the result of the wrong understanding of religion and religious practices Almtpartyh..ohma what we will look to him in the next episode. 
    Second: the terror of personal characteristics. 
    identified a sample of the study (16) in a personal recipe Alarhabiy..nodz the most important of the following :: 
     holds a grudge against those who disagreed or belief is believed to be in charge of religiously that evaluates social justice through violence, believes that he is right and others are wrong, owns approach cognitively rigid and rigid in dealing with conflicts, it has a sense of the grandeur of the importance of self-preference on others accompanied the behavior of an arrogant and high - handed, do not feel remorse or guilt when attachable harm to others, is controlled by thoughts about death or suicide, and sees that reality became upside down and he has to bring him back to normal. 
     and see a sample of the research that the main reason for the foreign enrollment organizing Daesh is apropaganda force exercised by foreign experts specialize in the art of publicity through social media - oriented people with psychological readiness and need someone to show them the way. 
     in the last episode we will have seen the reasons for the private foreign enrollment organizing Daash..pinhm Europeans boycotted heads!

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