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    US Ambassador: Trump will cooperate with Iraq to defeat Daesh

    Admin Assist
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    US Ambassador: Trump will cooperate with Iraq to defeat Daesh Empty US Ambassador: Trump will cooperate with Iraq to defeat Daesh

    Post by Rocky Tue 24 Jan 2017, 1:39 am

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    US Ambassador: Trump will cooperate with Iraq to defeat Daesh

     BAGHDAD / long-Presse 

    Showed US Ambassador Douglas Allen Silliman, on the first Sunday, the desire of US President Donald Trump in cooperation with Iraq to defeat Daesh, and as he emphasized that the strategic framework agreement would be "more effective" during the reign of Trump, pledged his country 's assistance to Iraq hundreds of millions of dollars during 2017. 
    He said Allen Silliman, in an interview with a number of media , including the (long - Presse), at the US embassy, said that " the US president Donald Trump wants to cooperate with Iraq to defeat Daesh military and security cooperation with the Iraqi government depends on the desire to perpetuate cooperation with the US government , " noting that "strategic framework agreement would be more effective in the political, cultural, educational and trade area and communications during the reign of Trump." 
    He said Allen Silliman, that " the goal of politicians and Washington , the president is the defeat Daesh, where modern Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi House with President Trump about the latter 's commitment to defeating Daesh , " asserting that "his country has provided humanitarian assistance to Iraq in Mosul . " He continued Allen Silliman, that "his country has removed 24 thousand kilograms of explosives and will continue these efforts, in addition to teams equipped to clean up the Nineveh plain of mine , " he said , adding that " the country has removed mines in Ba'shiqah also there will be similar efforts in the western side of the city of Mosul . " He stressed the US ambassador , that "his country will work to restore basic local services and provide a favorable environment for the return of the population to cooperate with the United Allomm", pledging that "Washington will continue helping Iraq 's hundreds of millions of dollars through 2017 . " In another context, Allen Silliman said that "it is important to be there reconciliation between the politicians at all levels, and support reconciliation efforts and create conditions for them , "noting that" his country is trying to restore basic services to areas of the country liberated . "He added Silliman said , " his work as ambassador to the United States continuously, where the US president Donald Trump asked the staff who have been appointed political appointment to submit their resignations, and I'm a diplomat employee is not covered by the change , "stressing that" the US embassy will continue with the United Nations security screening procedures to provide appropriate facilities for immigrants. "

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