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    North Korea threatens nuclear strike Australia

    Admin Assist
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    North Korea threatens nuclear strike Australia Empty North Korea threatens nuclear strike Australia

    Post by Rocky Sun 23 Apr 2017, 1:45 am

    North Korea threatens nuclear strike Australia


    North Korea issued a direct warning to Australia stern and waved a nuclear strike if it continued to Canberra "blind American support for the line."
    News Agency of North Korea said, "the spokesman for the Korean foreign minister criticized the Foreign Minister of Australia, Julie Bischoff's remarks, described her words trashy, noting" that if Australia continues to pursue efforts to isolate democracy and stifle the DPRK US policies it would be a suicide bomber which acted, calling on Bishop to think carefully about the consequences of this and what may result from loyalty to America, threatening them with a nuclear strike.
    The Bishop said in a recent interview, said the North Korean nuclear program poses a "serious threat" to Australia, has not ruled out the possibility of hitting her, and described the Korean warning in an interview with her channel ABC B "serious danger" unless it is addressed by the international community.
    The warning came from Pyongyang, in response to the US vice president's remarks, Mike Pence, during his visit to Australia, and the implicit threat to her, saying that all options are on the table to address them.

      Current date/time is Thu 12 Sep 2024, 1:59 pm