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    Scenario "terrifying" .. how America will strike North Korea's "nuclear"

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    Scenario "terrifying" .. how America will strike North Korea's "nuclear" Empty Scenario "terrifying" .. how America will strike North Korea's "nuclear"

    Post by Rocky Sat 06 May 2017, 3:55 am

    Scenario "terrifying" .. how America will strike North Korea's "nuclear"

    News Agency pratha 121  05/06/2017

    A security expert revealed that North Korea could launch a terrifying nuclear attack on the United States, by hiding a nuclear bomb in commercial shipping containers.

    He explained Chris Douglas, Almokhtss in the affairs of terrorism, that Pyongyang is able to smuggle "deadly weapon" to any port in the world through these containers, as reported by the British newspaper "the San" Friday.

    It was based on Douglas, who works at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, in his account that the merchant ships of North Korea was transporting drugs to his country away from the eyes of the customs and security services.

    "The system is in danger of extinction like North Korea will not hesitate to send a container carrying a nuclear bomb to the United States or an ally, and blow them up there."

    And escalated in recent months, the hostile rhetoric of Pyongyang, which has repeatedly threatened to wage war on the United States, after rising tensions with US President Donald Trump's management.

    Douglas pointed out that the containers carried by cargo ships currently used in human trafficking, drugs and stolen goods, pointing out that with 17 million containers around the world, it is discovered nuclear weapons is extremely difficult.

    He pointed to another scenario, which is to distribute the North Korean nuclear weapons on several ports in the world, and use them to launch simultaneous attacks.

    The report accused the United Nations Pyongyang this year circumventing international sanctions, through trafficking of prohibited goods and smuggling techniques and the development of its size and scope.

    Rose escalation on the Korean peninsula between Washington level, and Biongaana, which conducted a series of missile experiments since the beginning of the year, according to reports that want to implement a nuclear test
    Cain't Let Go Investor
    Cain't Let Go Investor

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    Scenario "terrifying" .. how America will strike North Korea's "nuclear" Empty Re: Scenario "terrifying" .. how America will strike North Korea's "nuclear"

    Post by Ronbo Sat 06 May 2017, 12:13 pm

    Don't ya just love it when "idiots", oops I mean when people write articles like this giving the bad guys ideas they might not have thought of yet? Eye Poke

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