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    Global energy companies hold their hopes on the results of the meeting of {OPEC}

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Global energy companies hold their hopes on the results of the meeting of {OPEC} Empty Global energy companies hold their hopes on the results of the meeting of {OPEC}

    Post by Rocky Sat 29 Apr 2017, 2:45 am

    Global energy companies hold their hopes on the results of the meeting of {OPEC}

    4/29/2017 0:00

    Capitals / follow-up to the morning
    Because of the significant decline in oil prices , which began three years ago, she lived global energy companies and financial conditions harsh, especially those operating in deep water or in the "high cost" .ottrqub major oil companies currently wells, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries "OPEC" meeting expected held in Vienna, during the month of May next , and will result in the results, hoping to contribute to the support of oil prices , which deteriorated during the current month, and slipped in some periods to around $ 50 a barrel. The price of oil, the quality of Brent crude, nearing reaching $ 60 a barrel in the month of January.
    According to the company "PricewaterhouseCoopers" Global Audit, reduced global energy companies , the size of their investments by 40 percent from the end of 2014 to late 2016, as it reduced the size of workers to about 400 thousand employees.
    The complexity of the major energy companies in the hopes of improved oil prices , the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries "OPEC", which was by the lack of agreement with the organization.
    The giant accounting firm, which is based in London: Many companies have taken strict austerity measures in order to maintain survival, amid conditions are governed by many unknowns.
    The price of oil dropped from $ 115 a barrel at the beginning of 2014 to around $ 30 at the beginning of last year. Oil prices have not improved only after the production cut in November last year agreement.
    During this difficult period, oil companies have lost many investors in their shares, as banks refused to finance projects in the energy sector are estimated at a trillion dollars, according to a report released a year ago for "Goldman Sachs" bank.
    And waiting for the major oil companies now, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries "OPEC" meeting expected to be held in Vienna, during the month of May next, hoping to contribute to the support of oil prices , which deteriorated during the current month, and slipped in some periods to around $ 50 a barrel. Oil prices were on the verge of reaching $ 60 a barrel of Brent quality crude in the month of January.

      Current date/time is Sun 08 Sep 2024, 6:24 pm