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    Russia: US weapons arrived Daesh in Afghanistan

    Admin Assist
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    Russia: US weapons arrived Daesh in Afghanistan Empty Russia: US weapons arrived Daesh in Afghanistan

    Post by Rocky Wed 24 May 2017, 3:05 am

    Russia: US weapons arrived Daesh in Afghanistan


    Refuted the Russian Foreign Ministry spoke about the accusation that Moscow's support for the movement "Taliban" in Afghanistan, arguing that these charges intended to tarnish Russia's image and cover up the support of terrorists, especially Daesh through US arms deals.
    The Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement that: "Despite the assurances we received from the Afghan authorities that the accusations flimsy Moscow, with the support of the movement" Taliban ", will crack down, some Afghan MPs and leaders of regional security forces are still repeating those falsehoods."
    The Russian Foreign Ministry to re-mind the issue of the arrest of three US military personnel with quantities of weapons in the jurisdiction of the Sarbl north of the country Kohistan region, in January of this year. In conjunction with the imprisonment of militants from the organization "Daesh" in the same area and in possession of large amounts of money dedicated to the sale of the mentioned three Americans arrested weapons. However, they were released later mysteriously disappeared while all documents relating to their detention, including interrogations and money and weapons seized with them records.
    Moscow also referred to the incident of falling US helicopters in areas under extremists in Balkh state Siad province of northern Afghanistan territory, and headed the helicopters after landing in the direction of the base of the government air in Kabul near Mazar-e Sharif city, where he positioned "Camp Marmul" American base.
    The ministry concluded that "certain parties, continue, including in the hands of her collaborators in Afghanistan, attempts to defame Russia, in order to distract the attention of the international community about the many mistakes committed by them over the 15 years of the presence of NATO forces and US forces in this country, not to mention cover its activities with the support of terrorists, primarily the organization Daesh.
    The Kandahar police chief, Gen. Abdul Razzaq, claimed that Russia's cooperation with other countries to help the Taliban financially and militarily.

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