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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

Welcome to the Neno's Place!

Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Washington: The Iranian regime supports terrorism in Arab countries at the expense of the strength o

    Admin Assist
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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Washington: The Iranian regime supports terrorism in Arab countries at the expense of the strength o Empty Washington: The Iranian regime supports terrorism in Arab countries at the expense of the strength o

    Post by Rocky Sat 06 Jan 2018, 1:44 am

    Washington: The Iranian regime supports terrorism in Arab countries at the expense of the strength of its people
    Arabic and International  Saturday, 06 January 2018 at 09: 50 am (88 views)
    Washington: The Iranian regime supports terrorism in Arab countries at the expense of the strength o 20180106_095059-838Washington: The Iranian regime supports terrorism in Arab countries at the expense of the strength of its people


     Follow-up / Sky Press:

    Washington - The Iranian regime supports terrorism in Syria, Iraq and Yemen, and the whole world is watching it now, the US ambassador to the United Nations, Ambassador Nikki Healy, said Friday.

    This came in a statement presented by the American delegate during a meeting of the Security Council, called by Washington, to discuss the developments in the protests witnessed by several Iranian cities since 28 December last.

    "The principle of the sovereignty of United Nations Member States should not be relied upon when human rights are violated," Hilli said.

    She pointed out that "the Iranian regime supports billions of dollars in foreign aid in Syria, Iraq and Yemen at the expense of domestic spending for the benefit of his people."

    She explained that "the demonstrations in Iran are spontaneous demonstrations and without external interference," and that "the world will not stand watching what is happening."

    "The United Nations reports that Iran pays $ 6 billion to support the Syrian regime ... while the Iranian regime denies its people the enjoyment of human rights."

    Since December 28, Iran has been witnessing protests in the cities of Mashhad and Kashmir (northeast), protests against the cost of living, before turning later into demonstrations that adopt political slogans.

    Demonstrations later spread to dozens of cities, including the capital Tehran and the religious capital of Qom, leaving at least 24 dead and scores wounded, while security forces arrested more than 1,000 protesters.

      Current date/time is Tue 17 Sep 2024, 12:37 am