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    Hezbollah battalions: confrontation with the Americans may start at any moment

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

     Hezbollah battalions: confrontation with the Americans may start at any moment Empty Hezbollah battalions: confrontation with the Americans may start at any moment

    Post by Rocky Tue 06 Feb 2018, 6:36 am

    [size=30]Hezbollah battalions: confrontation with the Americans may start at any moment[/size]
    06/02/2018 11:52 | Number of readings: 146
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    [rtl]Trend Press / Continue[/rtl]
    [rtl]"The American presence in Iraq is an occupation and a point on the line," said Jaafar al-Husseini, a military spokesman for the Hezbollah Brigades"He said.[/rtl]
    [rtl]Al-Husseini said in a television interview, "The Trend Press" that "can not discuss the designation of the presence of Americans," stressing that the "international coalition" led by Washington was formed outside the will of Iraq, and that US forces entered Iraq by force"He said.[/rtl]
    [rtl]He pointed out that "there is no Iraqi government decision to stay US troops, and Americans embarrass the government," pointing out that "there is no need for Americans if they were on behalf of trainers or advisers"He said.[/rtl]
    [rtl]The military spokesman of the Hezbollah Brigades in Iraq said that "there is no stable Iraq with the presence of Americans ... The Americans did not come to Iraq at the request of the government." He continued: "The weapons of our fighters are currently restricted, and perhaps the confrontation with the Americans may start at any moment," noting that " This time, Americans will not benefit from mediation, and not as before"He said.[/rtl]
    [rtl]Al-Husseini confirmed that "the Americans are the ones who came to find a justification for the return after their withdrawal", revealing that what was found in the contacts with a supporter in Tikrit "only exist with the Americans."[/rtl]

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