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    Hezbollah battalions respond to US accusations of targeting the embassy

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Hezbollah battalions respond to US accusations of targeting the embassy Empty Hezbollah battalions respond to US accusations of targeting the embassy

    Post by Rocky Sun 26 May 2019, 7:43 am

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    Hezbollah battalions respond to US accusations of targeting the embassy

    BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Hezbollah guerrillas in Iraq on Sunday responded to US accusations of targeting the embassy, ​​saying it was untrue and not based on accurate information.
    The leader of Hezbollah, Jassim al-Jazairi, said in a press statement that "the US accusations of the Hezbollah Brigades targeted by the US Embassy in Baghdad is incorrect and not based on accurate information."
    "These charges will face strong force by the political forces and parties and the Iraqi judiciary."Pointing out that Iraq is a sovereign state in full and there is a law of respect for that we reject all American charges.
    And the Algerian, that America should apply the slogans raised by the field of human rights and respect for States, "stressing that" the right of reply is guaranteed in the event of America's campaign of arrests affecting the Iraqi factions of Hezbollah. "
    On the American-Iranian conflict and the possibility of war, al-Jazairi said: "We hope the stability of the region, security and political, because this region has suffered many states of war. Any imbalance in the political and military will harm the region.
    The US Defense Department has accused Iran's armed groups of targeting the US embassy in Baghdad.
    A Katyusha rocket-propelled grenade landed near the US Embassy in Baghdad on May 19, 2015, with no casualties.

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