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    Expert for "Economy News": It is difficult to control the entry of Iranian goods to Iraq

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    Expert for "Economy News": It is difficult to control the entry of Iranian goods to Iraq Empty Expert for "Economy News": It is difficult to control the entry of Iranian goods to Iraq

    Post by Rocky Sun 02 Sep 2018, 7:08 am

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    Expert for "Economy News": It is difficult to control the entry of Iranian goods to Iraq

    The economic expert, Fahmi Mursumi, on Sunday, the 
    difficulty of controlling the entry of Iranian goods to Iraq, because of the multiplicity of border ports between the two countries.
    "Iraq has dozens of ports on the border with Iran and the latter is now using it to pass its various goods to the Iraqi market," Mursumi said in an interview with Al-Iktissad News. "Iraq is trying to abide by the US sanctions imposed on Iran, Haider Abadi, but in some joints, not all of them, especially with regard to the import of goods and Iranian goods. "
    He pointed out that "the Iraqi market and 15 years ago is a recipient of Iranian goods and it is unreasonable to prevent them easily, this requires time and several actions, including control of the border, and this is currently very difficult because of Iraq's preoccupation with security and political matters."
    Al-Marsoumi predicted that the Iraqi market will witness a slight difference in the disappearance of part of the Iranian goods that have already returned to it.

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