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    Fahmi: Determined to pass the budget before the end of 2018 after making 50 changes

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    Fahmi: Determined to pass the budget before the end of 2018 after making 50 changes Empty Fahmi: Determined to pass the budget before the end of 2018 after making 50 changes

    Post by Rocky Sat 22 Dec 2018, 2:18 am

    Fahmi: Determined to pass the budget before the end of 2018 after making 50 changes

    09:33 - 22/12/2018

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    Information / Baghdad ..
    Parliamentary Planning and Follow-up Committee member Raed Fahmi on Saturday decided to complete the passage of the budget law at the end of this year, noting that parliament will make 50 changes to the law.
    "The government and the House of Representatives are obliged to pass the law of the general budget before the end of this year and this is what will take place during the coming sessions of the House of Representatives," Fahmi said in a statement.
    He added that "the amendments that will be made on the budget will include 50 paragraphs, including the return of the renewal of their contracts and increase funds allocated to the liberated provinces and investment allocations in all provinces."
    Fahmi said that "the House of Representatives will intensify its meetings in the coming days to legislate the law before the end of this year without delay," noting that "the failure to approve the budget will create a new crisis for the government without the need at the present time." Ending / 25 d

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    Fahmi: Determined to pass the budget before the end of 2018 after making 50 changes Empty Parliamentary Finance: The government rejected 47 observations to amend the budget for 2019

    Post by Rocky Sat 22 Dec 2018, 3:06 am

    Parliamentary Finance: The government rejected 47 observations to amend the budget for 2019
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    BAGHDAD / A member of the parliamentary finance committee, Siham al-Aqili, on Saturday, that the Council of Ministers did not comment on the amendment to the Budget Law 2019.
    "The Council of Ministers did not take 47 observations to amend the law of the budget of 2019, which was submitted by the Parliamentary Finance Committee and members of parliament to the ministerial committee formed to discuss the budget."
    "The government has been singled out with just one out of 47 votes for regional development and has increased its allocations from one trillion to two trillion," it said.
    The House of Representatives read in its meeting last Thursday, the draft budget law for the year 2019 read first, while the Parliament intends to complete the second reading after the inclusion of remarks by deputies on the draft. "End 3

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    Fahmi: Determined to pass the budget before the end of 2018 after making 50 changes Empty The National Approach Block offers 31 observations on the 2019 budget

    Post by Rocky Sat 22 Dec 2018, 7:05 am

    The National Approach Block offers 31 observations on the 2019 budget
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    BAGHDAD / The National Approach bloc announced on Saturday that it will submit 31 observations on the budget for 2019.
    The head of the bloc Ammar Tohma in a press conference held in the House of Representatives and attended the "eye of Iraq News," "We have provided 31 observations on the budget of 2019."
    "We are waiting for a decision."
    Proposals and observations on the budget of 2019
    1. Include budget and employment opportunities through:
    a. The allocation of new degrees of employment and the launch of degrees of deletion and development of the past years in the ministries and various departments of the state
    B. Supporting the agricultural and industrial sectors according to guaranteed production projects creates additional job opportunities for the unemployed and provides additional revenues to support the public revenues of the state
    C - Install contracts and wages in the daily ministries of service, especially the Ministry of Electricity in accordance with the standards and fair standards that extend the length of the contract and academic achievement and the age of the contract
    Dr . Allocate loans to support small businesses and give priority to craftsmen and professionals to take advantage of those loans
    E. Implementing specific projects that are clearly feasible to address the water shortage crisis, which has affected the agricultural development plan and deprived hundreds of thousands of citizens of their livelihoods.
    And. The abolition of the privileges of senior officials and the reduction of privileges and transfers of special grades to cover the expenses of employment and support the unemployed.
    2. The development of non-oil revenues, especially the revenues of ports and customs through the mechanisms of the Court and control controls ensure full recovery and fight corruption, which accounts for the majority of revenues of billions of dollars.
    3. Review the rounds of licenses, which constitute the costs and entitlements of the work of their companies about 16% of total oil revenues, according to the price of oil estimated at (56) dollars, for example, the allocation of the entitlements of foreign companies about 15 fifteen trillion dinars, and total oil revenues expected 93 and three Ninety trillion, although more than half of the oil production by national efforts, and when the price of oil to (45) dollars will be oil revenues up to (74) four and seventy trillion, the proportion of costs and entitlements of companies licensing rounds to constitute about 20% of total revenue The oil is thus increasing proportion Sthakat companies with low world oil price.
    4. To submit the final accounts of previous years and discuss them and to indicate the legal and judicial procedures regarding the observations and irregularities recorded on the accounts voted by the Parliament for the previous years, which stipulated the treatment and disclosure of the reality of the bank allocations.
    5. Stay away from external borrowing and its repercussions on the national economy and its harsh conditions through:
    a. Activation of the supervision of the banks budget allocations and combating corruption, which disappears in public addresses and foggy (such as other expenses, commodity inputs, service requirements and maintenance of assets), which requires more details and a clearer statement of the vocabulary under these addresses and their respective numbers, and compare the exchange rates in these titles Years of austerity to be a rough criterion for realistic need.
    B . Compression of unnecessary expenses and reconsideration of the priorities of allocations according to the basic needs of citizens and service institutions
    C. Encouraging the voluntary saving of citizens instead of external borrowing and providing the benefits of high external loans and transferring them to Iraqi citizens in exchange for their voluntary savings. The allocations of foreign debt benefits to the budget of 2019 are about 5.5 trillion dinars.
    Dr . The definition of expenditures in real terms without guesses, even using the actual expenditure rates of past years, and then avoid increasing the gap between the actual expenditure and the estimated on the basis of unclear and over-deficit and covered through borrowing.
    6. The balance of the allocations (maintenance of the assets) is equal to (734) seven hundred and thirty-four billion dinars, and the total allocations (special programs) with about (955) and five and fifty billion dinars, of which (214) two hundred and fourteen billion dinars to the presidency (100) one hundred billion dinars for the Secretariat of the Council of Ministers .. and others, and these addresses require clear and detailed statements of the specificity and specificity of each of them and without these detailed explanations remain the possibility of waste and manipulation and corruption exist and in large numbers
    7. The budget mentioned several allocations for the joint address (other parties of the Prime Minister and the Fund for the reconstruction of areas affected by terrorism) in the section of compensation of employees allocated 38 billion and thirty billion dinars, and in the section (grants and subsidies and other expenses) Maisawi (50) fifty billion, Investment projects (244) two hundred and forty-four billion dinars, in the section entitled Special programs allocated (214) two hundred and fourteen billion dinars. The sum of these allocations approximately (546) five hundred and six forty billion dinars, but placed under a common title and a vague need to review and audit the title of the other bodies of the prime minister in the vague is not clear what is allocated for this general heading vagus allocated to fund reconstruction and what !! ??
    These paragraphs need further clarification and a statement of all the detailed paragraphs to make it easier for regulators to follow up and control the integrity of procedures.
    8. The need to adopt a fair standard in the allocation of investment projects allocations to the provinces, it is not fair to be the total allocations of the provinces of the center and the south nine, in addition to the capital Baghdad, about (2.1) two trillion and one hundred billion dinars, while the allocation of approximately (2.7) And seven hundred billion dinars to the three provinces of the region.
    9. Total energy budget (oil, electricity and gas company Basra) is about (31) one and thirty trillion and compensation of employees, which is about (79) ninety nine billion dinars only. (46.5) six and forty billion dinars represent less than four percent of the total budget of the Ministry of Electricity, which is surprising to delay the installation of contracts and wages of daily workers in the ministry for many years.
    10. The budget included the compensation of employees for the popular mobilization by (122) thousand elements of allocations of about (1,507) one trillion five hundred and seven billion and divided these allocations on the number mentioned and the result on the number of months of the year twelve, the average monthly salary of each element in the crowd one million and nine And twenty thousand dinars (1,029,000) dinars.
    11. The budget includes the allocations of the wages of electricity purchased (1,13) one trillion and one hundred and thirty billion dinars, as well as the importation of fuel for electricity (3.8) three trillion and eight hundred billion dinars, a total of about (4) trillion, a very large amount could successive governments Avoid spending if it worked seriously and keen to provide fuel from the national product, especially as many of the raw materials for electricity and waste go waste and loss, including gas associated with the establishment of power plants consume this product.
    The lack of planning and lack of seriousness causes waste (4) trillion dinars in this resource only !!
    12. The budget included the allocation of fuel expenditures (514) five hundred billion dinars, a resource in which a lot of suspicions and lack of careful control of the safety of disbursement and match with the real need.
    13. The budget included investment allocations of (5,9) five trillion and nine hundred billion dinars for projects that will be financed by foreign loans and the Iraqi Bank for Trade, the need to detail and statement of these projects and whether it is a priority and a basic need for citizens to borrow this amount and the benefits of it, Clarifying these paragraphs so as to assess the feasibility of bearing the consequences of borrowing for them and whether there are guaranteed procedures safety in exchange and there is no waste or irregularities in their implementation.
    14. The budget includes the allocations of wages to buy electricity purchased from local investors for the year 2018 (810) eight hundred billion dinars and the proposal for the year 2019 (1.01) about one trillion dinars, and this large amount could be invested by the Ministry companies with technical cadres and returns to the state and give a proportion of them to cadres And workers to provide new opportunities for work and at the same time represents a catalyst for the development of production and increase of the same cadres of the ministry and its staff, knowing that this amount or more than a scheme to spend in the same way for the coming years according to the schedule annexed to the budget
    15. Budget tables indicated that the revenues of the Telecommunications Authority for 2018
    (887) eight hundred and seven and eighty billion dinars, and estimates of revenues for the year 2019 (541) about five hundred and one and forty billion dinars, which is lower than the previous year by 40%, and this strange index needs to be interpreted and achieved.
    In this regard, we call for a set of proposals:
    a. Requiring the payment of the companies winning the licensing contracts at least 70% of the net profits realized from its activity in the operation of licenses granted to the Iraqi state
    B) Reduce the period of licenses granted to companies from (15) years to (5) years in order to ensure greater commitment and competition to provide services and meet the obligations and conditions of licenses for the benefit of the Iraqi state
    C. The necessity of revising the existing licensing contracts concluded by the Media and Communications Commission in the period since 2004 to ensure that they are in harmony with the laws and rebalancing the profits in order to achieve greater revenues for the Iraqi state.
    16. Review the allocations of embassies, consulates and diplomatic missions and find out the actual need for the existence of many of them and their political or economic feasibility, especially since many of them did not engage in productive activity of the country only the financial drain of the public budget and the provision of this huge money for the Iraqi people and the employment of the unemployed and the provision of services.
    17. The estimated revenues from the export of oil at the export rate of (3.88) million barrels, including (250) thousand barrels of oil produced in the provinces of the region, this amount is much lower than the reality of the quantities produced in the region, estimated at the rate of nearly 600 thousand barrels Daily, so we demand to adjust the quantity required to be delivered from the oil produced in the provinces of the region to be the amount produced realistically and is marketed through the company Sumo exclusively.
    18. Note the inconsistencies in the paragraphs of the budget. At the time that the State borrowed from abroad to cover the budget deficit, we read in its schedules an amount of (4.7) four trillion and seven hundred billion dinars, the balances of ministries and entities not linked to the Ministry of government banks, as well as the balance in the account of the Ministry of Finance (3) trillion.
    If the total of Maidur institutions and ministries of the state is about (7.7) seven trillion and seven hundred billion, why rush to external borrowing and harsh conditions.
    19. The continued borrowing in amounts to finance projects and the needs of ministries without specifying the nature of these purchases and the quantity and prices to verify the reality of cost and not to exaggerate, as borrowed by the Ministry of Defense (500) five hundred million dollars this year from the US Defense and Defense Cooperation Agency.
    As well as borrowing from the Japan International Cooperation Agency this year for the projects of the Ministry of Construction and Municipalities in the amount of 265 million two hundred and sixty million dollars and the World Bank at 155 million one hundred and fifty five million dollars without clarifying the nature and details of the projects to be achieved with these loans and the cost of each project. For the purpose of monitoring and monitoring the efficiency and safety of disbursement and implementation.
    20. The draft budget is entitled to the disbursement of (48) eight and forty billion dinars for the project of the Social Fund for Development in Iraq before the enactment of the law of the Fund.
    It is supposed that the law on finding the fund and organization of its work and the statement of its duties and duties and mechanisms of work and objectives precedes disbursement of funds because it is a means of implementation of the contents of the law, how the disposal of this money before the legislation of that law.
    21. In the borrowing section, the draft budget authorizes the Minister of Finance, after approval by the Council of Ministers, to borrow $ 2 billion to finance the Samawah water projects, the Baghdad Sewage and Sewage Project, the Assistant Oil Refining Unit (Ministry of Oil) project and the reconstruction of the affected areas. Beneficiary and make it a general paragraph does not determine the amount of each project or the Ministry or the hand of this loan and the number of projects and priorities of the sectors covered, while we find in the paragraphs of external borrowing and another amount does not exceed (15) fifteen million dollars is mentioned and specified the subject of the project in detail and a clear statement possible Appropriate cost assessment with the loan project.
    22. It is strange that the draft budget authorizes the Minister of Finance to borrow by international institutions to finance investment projects for ministries when an additional fiscal deficit is achieved. These projects are determined by the Council of Ministers. In the previous paragraph, the Council of Ministers authorizes transfers between loan allocations specified in paragraph (3.4) The amount of loans allocated in paragraph (3) is close to (5.1) five billion and one hundred million dollars, and the amount of loans allocated in paragraph (4) is about (4.2) four billion and two hundred million dollars , And the total loan allocations specified in paragraphs (4.3) are approximately (9.4) nine billion and four hundred thousand Million dollars.
    We find the confusion is clear and the absence of planning and priority, or how the government to borrow amounts of this large amount of specific projects and specific ministries and then gives the budget law to change the allocations and projects implemented by them ?!
    Either the allocations of loans specific to the ministries and projects and sectoral priorities are clear need and benefit for citizens left these allocations to cover and fulfill those needs and projects and sectors, otherwise the change and transfer including all those amounts (9.4) nine billion and four hundred million dollars, this demonstrates poor planning and raises Doubts about the fate of these assignments and disbursement in appropriate places.
    23. The total budget of the Kurdistan region (operational and investment) is about (9,3) nine trillions and three hundred billion dinars, and committed the budget of the region to hand over (250) thousand barrels per day to the federal government, and to impose the commitment of the region this quantity, which is much less than the reality of the product, The amount equal to its value is estimated at (6) trillion dinars, and defined the budget to deduct Meisawi this share when the non-delivery of the territory, including two observations:
    A - Taking the region even if it does not deliver a barrel of one of the points (approximately 3.3) trillion, which is unfair to the other oil-producing provinces and others.
    B - This article goes on and legitimizes the behavior of the region with the rest of the product, which exceeds (250) thousand barrels without demanding the delivery of revenues to the Treasury General, and distributed to the Iraqis, as in the oil of Basra and the south.
    24. It is not true or acceptable under Article 11 (IV). And this may threaten the dismissal of thousands of contractors and the estimates of non-necessity for their existence and may arise from the estimates of the origin of the mood or unaware of the suffering of those contractors, so we call for the abolition of this paragraph, which prevents the appointment and non-renewal of previous contracts.
    25. Article (13) of the draft budget gives the Minister of Finance the authority to add allocations for the purpose of extinguishing the advances for the previous years until the date of 2018/12/31 after the audit of the financial control and the approval of the Council of Ministers, it is not true that the Parliament gives his authority to the government before the amount of those allocations And verify the safety of disbursement and compliance with the laws.
    26. Article (14) of the budget includes a serious principle that opens the door to the comprehensive privatization of all the joints and institutions of state service and gives the Council of Ministers powers to disrupt the provisions of the laws in force to expand the joint with the private sector (privatization) and similar to the experience of privatization of electricity collection unfortunate.
    The risk is increased by opening the door to the privatization of distribution and production companies and providing the infrastructure of service ministries, which the state spent tens of billions of dollars over many years and provide them with the bottom of the price for investors and pioneers of privatization.
    Moreover, Article 18 grants the Minister or the Governor to loan the employee to the permanent owner of the private sector, including the collection companies, which means abandoning the cadres, engineers and technicians in favor of the service of the merchants' projects and the pioneers of privatization. I do not know whether there is an intention to consolidate the country's resources and infrastructure and sell them to the merchants. The partners of the powerful politicians and turn the people into more trouble and deprivation and harassment and suffering continued to remain in the status and status of domination and domination of the influential and their middle, and again return to dominate these revenues, which are the right of the Iraqis to the fate of Iraqis that political money and the purchase Accounts receivable, this is a serious equation to be established and our mission to frustrate and thwart them completely.
    27. If the justification for giving the ministries the authority to impose fees or service fees in the past years is a sharp drop in oil revenues. As oil prices have changed relatively over the past three years, there is no need for them to continue and exhaust citizens with fees and additional or double services.
    28. It is not permissible to add an amount for the licenses contracts that have been transferred to the foreign oil companies and have not made financial adjustments thereon, and it is supposed to mention the amount of these amounts and not to mention a general address that misses the fact paid and to be allocated in the same year of conversion and not paid without cover and allocation in the budget. The demand to review and evaluate the origin of these rounds of licenses and high cost, which sometimes amounts to about 35% of the total oil revenues.
    29. Each Ministry or entity not connected to the Ministry shall bear the payment of the advances or loans and the benefits thereof to those who were martyred after the date of 9-4-2003 and to each of those who sustained permanent disability as a result of the fight against terrorism.
    30. Article (38) of the Budget The Ministry of Finance shall grant the right to sell agricultural lands located outside the boundaries of the Municipality and Municipalities to holders of the rights of banking therein. And dealing with this matter requires determining the most beneficial method of state revenues is achieved by selling those lands or keep the lease contracts to owners of the rights of banking or the same companies to establish the Ministry of investment projects that are a source of the increase of state imports and permanently without the method of sale, which provides one-time revenues and then cut, The total of the above questions calls for frequency in the adoption of this article and to discuss the subject independently and not a paragraph of the budget law to choose the most useful method of the state to achieve greater revenue and Edom. Therefore, we demand the lifting of this article of the draft budget.
    31. Article (44) refers to the sale and transfer of the sex of lands belonging to the Ministry of Finance to an industrial race with a justification that does not have a water quota, while the state can invest them through its public companies in productive industrial projects that provide job opportunities for youth and maximize the revenues of the public treasury. Finished

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