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    Iraq warns of all-out war in the region and objects to Mecca summit statement

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    Iraq warns of all-out war in the region and objects to Mecca summit statement Empty Iraq warns of all-out war in the region and objects to Mecca summit statement

    Post by Rocky Fri 31 May 2019, 2:49 am

    Iraq warns of all-out war in the region and objects to Mecca summit statement
     [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]  31/05/2019  124
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    Iraq warns of all-out war in the region and objects to Mecca summit statement

    The regional and international crisis with Iran threatens to turn into a comprehensive war if we do not "improve" its administration and express the hope that Iran's security will not be targeted, President Barham Salih told the Arab emergency summit in Saudi Arabia on Thursday evening.
    The Iraqi president also called on neighbors and allies to support the stability of his country. 
    While Saudi King Salman bin Abdul Aziz called for decisive action to stop "subversive activities" of the Iranian regime in the region following attacks on tankers off the coast of the UAE and two pumping stations in the kingdom. 
    A statement issued by the Gulf Cooperation Council states and a separate statement issued after the expanded summit on the right of Saudi Arabia and the UAE to defend their interests after the attacks.
    But in a sign of tension in the region, Iraq, which has good relations with both Iran and Washington, said it opposed the final communiqué of the Arab summit, which stipulated that any cooperation with Tehran should be based on "non-interference in the affairs of other countries."
    "While Iraq reiterates its denunciation of any action that would target the security of the Kingdom and the security of our brothers in the Gulf, I would like to make it clear that we did not participate in the drafting of the final communiqué and that Iraq records its objection to the final communiqué," he said in a statement read by Arab League Secretary General Ahmed Aboul Gheit. In its current formulation. "

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    Iraq warns of all-out war in the region and objects to Mecca summit statement Empty Araji The final communiqué of the Mecca summit is a green light to wage war on Iran

    Post by Rocky Fri 31 May 2019, 6:28 am

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    Araji The final communiqué of the Mecca summit is a green light to wage war on Iran
     31 May, 2019on Araji The final communiqué of the Mecca summit is a green light to wage war on Iran closed 16 visits

    Former Deputy Prime Minister Bahaa al-Araji said on Friday that the Arab League's final statement was "a green light" for America to wage war on Iran.
    "The final statement of the emergency Arab summit in Mecca was the green light for the United States to wage war against the Islamic Republic of Iran," Araji said in a statement received by SNG.
    "Iraq's rejection of this statement reflects its realistic appreciation of the dangers of this confrontation on the region in general and the Gulf in particular," he said.
    He pointed out that "the final statement of the summit is a memory to 2003 when the United States of America occupied Iraq at the request of some neighboring countries and the formation of the International Alliance in time to be the legal cover of the occupation."
    Araji concluded by saying, "We hope the Iraqi government to have a role in stopping this tension and the demand of the Arab brothers to recalculate their calculations, otherwise their wealth and national economies will be a price for this war if signed, not God forgave."

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    Iraq warns of all-out war in the region and objects to Mecca summit statement Empty Araji The final communiqué of the Mecca summit is a green light to wage war on Iran

    Post by Rocky Fri 31 May 2019, 6:34 am

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    Araji The final communiqué of the Mecca summit is a green light to wage war on Iran
     31 May, 2019on Araji The final communiqué of the Mecca summit is a green light to wage war on Iran closed 19 visits

    Former Deputy Prime Minister Bahaa al-Araji said on Friday that the Arab League's final statement was "a green light" for America to wage war on Iran.
    "The final statement of the emergency Arab summit in Mecca was the green light for the United States to wage war against the Islamic Republic of Iran," Araji said in a statement received by SNG.
    "Iraq's rejection of this statement reflects its realistic appreciation of the dangers of this confrontation on the region in general and the Gulf in particular," he said.
    He pointed out that "the final statement of the summit is a memory to 2003 when the United States of America occupied Iraq at the request of some neighboring countries and the formation of the International Alliance in time to be the legal cover of the occupation."
    Araji concluded by saying, "We hope the Iraqi government to have a role in stopping this tension and the demand of the Arab brothers to recalculate their calculations, otherwise their wealth and national economies will be a price for this war if signed, not God forgave."

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    Iraq warns of all-out war in the region and objects to Mecca summit statement Empty Re: Iraq warns of all-out war in the region and objects to Mecca summit statement

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