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    Political sources: The Patriotic Union exerts maximum pressure on the Kurdistan Regional Government

    Admin Assist
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    Political sources: The Patriotic Union exerts maximum pressure on the Kurdistan Regional Government  Empty Political sources: The Patriotic Union exerts maximum pressure on the Kurdistan Regional Government

    Post by Rocky Tue 20 Dec 2022, 5:03 am

    POSTED ON[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] BY [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    [size=52]Political sources: The Patriotic Union exerts maximum pressure on the Kurdistan Regional Government to close the Jaff assassination file[/size]

    [size=45][You must be registered and logged in to see this image.][/size]
    [size=45]Today, Monday, political sources revealed the reasons that push the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) to escalate against the KDP and the Kurdistan Regional Government, since the assassination of Colonel Hawkar al-Jaf, a senior officer in the Counter-Terrorism Foundation, based in Sulaymaniyah.
    Al-Jaf was assassinated and four members of his family were injured, last October, when an explosive device detonated in his car in the center of Erbil. Al-Jaf defected from the Sulaymaniyah Counter-Terrorism Agency and took refuge in Erbil.
    After that, the security forces in Erbil arrested six people who later confessed to being involved in the assassination, and said that it was carried out under a direct order from the director of combating terrorism in Sulaymaniyah, Wahab Halabji, and his intelligence official, Karzan Muhammad Rashid.
    The Kurdish judicial authorities asked officials in Sulaymaniyah to hand over the planners to assassinate Al-Jaf, but the Patriotic Union refused, and resorted to boycott methods and escalation and accusations, according to political and partisan sources.
    Deputy Prime Minister Qubad Talabani and the ministers of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan bloc boycotted the cabinet meetings in the Kurdistan region.
    A high-ranking source in the Kurdistan Democratic Party said in a press statement that the boycott "aims to shuffle the cards and try to cover up the assassination of Colonel Hawkar al-Jaf."
    He added, "The case of al-Jaf's assassination is in the hands of the judiciary, and the government has nothing to do with the matter, and whoever has a problem with this matter must take legal means."
    Another political source said, "The National Union headed by Pavel Talabani and his media is trying to portray to people and public opinion that the tension with the Democratic Party lies in administrative or political issues, and this is not true."
    The source pointed out that “the case is purely criminal, neither political nor administrative, and everyone must deal with it on this basis, as no party has the right to interfere in the judicial matter, and the judiciary has said its final word.”
    The source added, “The National Union must respond to the judiciary and hand over wanted persons to it, and not put pressure on its ministers and treat them with belittlement and coercion, when it comes to government meetings.”
    The source said, "It is simply easy, when the dry killers of Colonel Hawker are handed over, and the judiciary is left to take its course, there will be no excuse left for boycotting and exerting pressure."
    He stressed that the Patriotic Union does not exert pressure on the regional government and does not wage a misleading media war on it, but rather exerts great pressure on its ministers by forcibly preventing them from participating in government meetings.[/size]
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      Current date/time is Sat 18 Jan 2025, 11:33 am