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    Parliament decides to host [al-Mutlaq and al-Jaafari] in the Saturday session to learn the condition

    Admin Assist
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    Parliament decides to host [al-Mutlaq and al-Jaafari] in the Saturday session to learn the condition Empty Parliament decides to host [al-Mutlaq and al-Jaafari] in the Saturday session to learn the condition

    Post by Rocky Thu 18 Sep 2014, 3:03 pm

    Parliament decides to host [al-Mutlaq and al-Jaafari] in the Saturday session to learn the conditions of the displaced and the results of the Paris Conference

    Thursday, 18 September / September 2014 17:07

    [Baghdad where]

    House of Representatives decided Hosting Deputy Prime Minister Saleh al-Mutlaq and Foreign Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari in the parliament session scheduled for next Saturday to brief the Council on the situation of the displaced and the results of the Paris conference.

    A statement by the Presidency of the parliament today, the agency received all of Iraq [where], a copy of it, that "the House of Representatives discussed at its sixth session, held on Thursday, 09/18/2014, headed by Saleem al-Jubouri, head of the Council and in the presence of 254 deputy, improve the performance of the House of Representatives and to develop a strategy his future, while led Deputy Minister sworn in, in the beginning of the meeting announced Jubouri postpone the vote on the interior and defense ministers to other sessions at the behest of the parliamentary blocs to reach agreement on candidates for the two positions.

    On the other hand, stressed the President of the Council directly parliamentary committees its business since yesterday to be the day Wednesday and Sunday dedicated to their work, especially after the arrival of a number of projects Laws, including the draft law on the Federation Council, calling for "speed up the naming committee chairmen to be a priority now of the Legal Committee , In another matter sworn Ali al-Adeeb, a deputy in the House of Representatives and Mohsen sparrow minister of water resources.

    The Council voted on the health of membership MP Imad Abdul Khudair Zurfi after he gave the candidate Ihsan al-Shibli an objection to the membership of the MP Zurfi the House of Representatives, also presented the Council a report on the development of the performance of the House of Representatives and the development of future strategy to him by relevant experts, and followed the director of the research department in the House of Representatives Mayada Alhjami a report pointing out the results of the special report on the performance of the House of Representatives, pointing out that the standard of work of the Council in the legislative side is linked to meeting the needs of the community through the amount of legislation, type and timing of the schedule, pointing out that the last session saw the arrival of 433 legislation, have been voted on 216 bill any completion of up to about 50%, indicating the arrival of 410 bill and a proposal in the first parliamentary session, the vote was 209 to the bill, including the completion of a rate of up to 51%.

    She explained that "with regard to the type of legislation related to the basic needs of the citizen and passes the country from crises and keep abreast of general developments in society in addition to the time it takes for the legislation and the contrast level and the proportion of the role of the House of Representatives oversight between the first session and second session of the previous," pointing out that "the standard function of representative the House of Representatives has observed clearly the exception of some things relating to the categories of age and the representation of women and minorities. "

    For his part, the Haydar Muthana, Director General of the department in parliament and research analysis reports of parliamentary committees from 2010 - 2014 noting that the Council did not have the determinants of strategy sets priorities for projects and proposals for laws that require legislation, proposed criteria for evaluating the performance, which holds parliamentary committees during work as well as the work of the committees spaces vary from committee to committee.

    The manager of the department's parliamentary to "a discrepancy rates of achievement between the Commission and the other fact that some committees have not forwarded its laws or the presence of some overlap, noting that the completion of some of the laws does not depend on the Committee only, but extends to the consensus of the political blocs and the joint committees in the Council."

    In the interventions of the House of Representatives on the research presented, MP Fares Albraivkane that the House is facing obstacles weaken its role in legislation important laws, stressing the importance of activating the supervisory and legislative sides.

    He suggested MP Hassan Turan drafting a new vision for the work of the Council and increase important laws for the citizens and the abolition of laws that began during the former regime and work to retrieve the right of the House of Representatives in submitting proposals laws.

    MP Abbas al-Bayati activate legislation important laws relating to the security aspect and the revitalization of the work of parliamentary committees.

    For his part, MP Kanna to form a unit to assign legislation to support the work of the House of Representatives to follow the laws and cured.

    She said the MP, but Talabani said the representation of women in the Iraqi Council of Representatives has already been accounted for in most of the Arab parliaments with the exception of Algeria, calling for activating the Media Council of Representatives to cover all activities.

    The MP Hassan Khalati on the importance of evaluating the work of the House of Representatives in the previous two sessions wider.

    The MP urged that dos on the importance of strengthening the cooperation between the Council of Representatives and the Council of Ministers for the development work to serve the citizens.

    She MP Magda al-Tamimi said, "Search Criteria House of Representatives was limited to the performance of the House of Representatives without the staff who provide the atmosphere linked to the work of the House of Representatives, which requires the inclusion research."

    In turn, the MP Zia al-Asadi criteria for the development of the work of Deputies is the absorptive capacity of the legislation in being able to predict the future or for years to come and the appropriateness of the legislation to the actual need, stressing the need to customize a web page for each deputy to deal with requests which it had received or receipt legislation through.

    He said MP Abdul Karim Abtan to the importance of the supervisory role Mmaittalb issuing legislation required members of the government to come in front of the House of Representatives for questioning or hosting. He MP Adel Alhurcab the need to move away from the political side or in the interrogation and to be hosting the Committee on expensive interrogation.

    Asked MP Farhad able to cancel the term hosting of being non-existent in the constitution or rules of procedure of the House of Representatives, calling for legislation legally obliging the government to provide financial budget on time Mahdd.waodh MP Taha defense that giving priority to the desire MP on jurisdiction in the membership of the committees will lead to weakness in the performance .

    For its part, the MP stressed the importance of dreams Husseini legislation a law that regulates the relationship between the House of Representatives on the one hand and the government and the judiciary on the other. It showed a high MP Nassif need to be addressed the issue of disqualification of the House of Representatives to submit proposals laws.

    The MP is capable glad that maintaining the prestige of the House of Representatives and the separation of powers and authorities not to allow derogation of his authority Other factors that help to activate the role of the Council.

    As suggested by the Attorney ultra Sheikh Ali filed a lawsuit in federal court to restore the right of the House of Representatives to submit proposals laws.

    MP Beeston just address the issue of repetition that gets in the interventions of the ladies and gentlemen in the House of Representatives to discuss the laws.

    He urged MP Mohammed al-Masoudi put a time limit for each bill and the creation of the Office Consultant includes all disciplines contribute to the legislation of laws.

    It showed the MP Khadija and attention to the importance of the Committee on Women in the parliamentary session in order to protect women and their rights and continuous cooperation between parliamentary committees and provincial councils.

    For his part, MP Jamal Ahmed Research Service for the collection of studies as scientific progress in the hands of the House of Representatives and to encourage the scientific studies to work for the Council's work and demand of all ministries and agencies to provide an information base to patrol the House of Representatives.

    He suggested MP Abdul Kahar Mehdi provide research study every 6 months or every year for evaluating the work of the Council.

    The MP stressed that the nostalgia Qadu evaluating the performance of the Council must be made ​​on the basis of comparison with other parliaments or with other courses with a focus on the importance of the determinants of performance and internal environment of the House of Representatives.

    And demanded the MP Najiba Najib each committee developed a clear plan includes important laws with legislation to be put priority to the issue of censorship.

    The MP sunrise Abaiji has indicated that the standard opinion polls in the search is not sufficient and must involve destinations according to research specific mechanism applied in the regulatory standard.

    He called Ammar Tohme to hold a meeting between the three presidencies League to settle differences over the controversial laws and legislation of laws to facilitate the task.

    For his part, First Deputy Chairman of the Board Hamoudi that the House of Representatives accused of non-achievement and differences, pointing out that the research presented dispelled those suspicions about the board by revealing done for more than 51% of the laws as the disbursement of funds is not significant, noting that the Council Representatives of the presidency will be asked to cooperate by sending the proposals to them and replay the form of a bill, stressing the quest to follow the work of the committees and the transfer of its meetings to the people.

    On the other hand praised the efforts of President al-Jubouri, which included the research presented in order to develop the work of the House of Representatives in conjunction with the strategy to develop near the Council's work.

    The Council voted to approve the proposal Jubouri commissioned by the Parliamentary Development Committee held a meeting chaired by First Deputy Chairman of the Board to come up with recommendations to be voted on during the month of conducted work.

    The Council voted on a proposal to initiate Chairman of the Board of the Legal Committee for its work and held a meeting under the chairmanship of one of the members of the Presidency for while choosing a president.

    The president of the House of Representatives for hosting Saleh al-Mutlaq, the deputy prime minister in a meeting on Saturday to talk about the situation of displaced people in addition to the presence of Foreign Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari, or from representing the government to explain what happened at the Paris Conference in support of Iraq and the international developments on Maimer by Albuld.kma called on the President of the Council of the Commission Security and Defense to accelerate decisively discuss the issue of missing persons in the base "Spyker" and submit a report to the Council in this regard .badha decided to adjourn the meeting on Saturday 20-9-2014.

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