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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Al-Sudani stresses the need to exert greater efforts in confronting terrorism and organized crime

    Admin Assist
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    Al-Sudani stresses the need to exert greater efforts in confronting terrorism and organized crime Empty Al-Sudani stresses the need to exert greater efforts in confronting terrorism and organized crime

    Post by Rocky Tue 02 May 2023, 4:50 am

    Al-Sudani stresses the need to exert greater efforts in confronting terrorism and organized crime
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] |Today, 09:2
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    Baghdad today - Baghdad 
    Today, Tuesday, the Prime Minister, Muhammad Shia'a Al-Sudani, stressed the need to exert greater efforts in confronting terrorism and organized crime.
     A statement of the Joint Operations Command, which was received by (Baghdad Today), stated that "Al-Sudani praised, during his attendance at the semi-annual conference of ministries and security agencies at the headquarters of the Joint Operations Command, the efforts of the Operations Command, ministries and security agencies." 
    Al-Sudani also appreciated, according to the statement, "the great qualitative efforts and successive victories achieved by the security forces of all kinds, especially with regard to the war on terrorism, the fight against organized crime and drugs, and the reduction of clan conflicts." 
    The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces stressed "the need to follow up on what has been accomplished and present plans related to the horizons of the next stage," noting that "the current stage requires making more efforts in confronting terrorism and organized crime and monitoring public performance, coupled with specific timings and clear responsibilities of the security services." 
    Al-Sudani thanked all the ministries and security agencies and the Joint Operations Command for the great efforts they made in the last stage, provided that these efforts and the work of the security ministries are accompanied by vigorous and continuous follow-up for the purpose of diagnosing mistakes and strengthening security plans in line with the reality of the security challenge and the accumulation of victories achieved and the need to maintain stability to move forward. Implementing what was stated in the government program to ensure security and enhance national stability. 
    The Commander-in-Chief directed, "The necessity of continuous attention to the fighters, strengthening their steadfastness, and following up on their various requirements and needs." 
    For his part, Staff Lieutenant General Qais Al-Muhammadawi presented "a summary of the challenges for the next stage, for which binding recommendations were set for implementation, and the Commander-in-Chief reviewed them and asked all ministries, security agencies and agencies, each according to his competence and responsibility, to abide by them and adhere to their implementation, provided that each ministry, agency, agency and security joint conducts a quarterly assessment For special performance and setting a period of 3 months to review the stage and evaluate the work of the relevant security leaders," according to the statement.
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