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    Parliamentary Legal: The government’s proposal for a general amnesty has one vague article and will

    Admin Assist
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    Parliamentary Legal: The government’s proposal for a general amnesty has one vague article and will  Empty Parliamentary Legal: The government’s proposal for a general amnesty has one vague article and will

    Post by Rocky Mon 25 Sep 2023, 6:39 am

    Parliamentary Legal: The government’s proposal for a general amnesty has one vague article and will be read in the upcoming sessions
    • Time: 09/25/2023 08:57:34
    • Read: 1,599 times

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    {Local: Al-Furat News} The Parliamentary Legal Committee clarified that amending the proposed general amnesty law that came from the government is “one vague article,” which is the definition of belonging to terrorist organizations, and it was agreed upon to be amended between the political parties and blocs.
    A member of the Legal Committee, Muhammad Jassim Al-Khafaji, said in a press statement, “The amendment to the proposed general amnesty law was received from the government less than a month ago as a paragraph approved in the government curriculum, which is a single, vague article that includes the definition of belonging to terrorist organizations,” noting that it will be added to the original article. “From the amnesty law that was issued in 2016 because its current wording is ambiguous, ambiguous, and unclear.” 
    He pointed out that there are loopholes in the law that may be present but not proven in the original law, and this would raise controversy that a new amnesty law will be legislated, which is not true because the discussions and Parliament’s vision are very different, indicating that it is considered, from a formal standpoint, not enforceable, as the law The amnesty, when issued, includes crimes from 2016 onwards, and any punishment issued after the law is not included.
    Al-Khafaji pointed out that with this amendment, it is as if we are legislating a new general amnesty law that includes penalties from 2023 onward, and this is considered a loophole,” indicating that “it will breathe life into the law that was issued in 2016 and will include all penalties from this year onward.” He added that we need to wait and study the amendment proposal 
    . There is only one ambiguous article, which is the definition of belonging to terrorist organizations, stressing that the issue is political par excellence and with the agreement of political blocs that voted on the government’s curriculum. 
    Al-Khafaji stated that the Legal Committee did not specify when its first reading would take place, which may be during the upcoming sessions, calling for dealing with the law professionally, even if it is Any loopholes will be checked and can be returned to the government.

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