Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

Welcome to the Neno's Place!

Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


I can be reached by phone or text 8am-7pm cst 972-768-9772 or, once joining the board I can be reached by a (PM) Private Message.

Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

Many Topics Including The Oldest Dinar Community. Copyright © 2006-2020

    Member of Parliamentary Legal: The importance of investing in political consensus to approve importa

    Admin Assist
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    Member of Parliamentary Legal: The importance of investing in political consensus to approve importa Empty Member of Parliamentary Legal: The importance of investing in political consensus to approve importa

    Post by Rocky Sun 22 Oct 2023, 5:30 am

    Member of Parliamentary Legal: The importance of investing in political consensus to approve important laws
    • Time: 10/22/2023 12:34:47
    • Read: 468 times

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    {Politics: Al-Furat News} A member of the Parliamentary Legal Committee, Arif Al-Hamami, stressed the importance of investing in the state of “political consensus” in the country and approving important draft laws.
    Al-Hamami told Al-Furat News Agency, "With regard to the issue of important laws that are on the council's agenda, we are waiting for the laws to come from the government."
    He stated, "During our meetings with the Presidency of the Republic and the Ministers, we urge them to send important laws that affect the lives of citizens."
    Al-Hamami pointed out "the importance of exploiting the period of political consensus that Parliament is witnessing now," noting that "the delay is from the government and not just from the House of Representatives because it exposes the laws that come from the government."
    From.. Raghad Dahham
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