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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Alia Nassif warns against people in the Central Refineries trying to pass an order worth $800 millio

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Alia Nassif warns against people in the Central Refineries trying to pass an order worth $800 millio Empty Alia Nassif warns against people in the Central Refineries trying to pass an order worth $800 millio

    Post by Rocky Fri 17 Nov 2023, 4:15 am

    POSTED ON[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] BY [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    [size=52]Alia Nassif warns against people in the Central Refineries trying to pass an order worth $800 million[/size]

    [size=45]The First Vice-Chairman of the Parliamentary Integrity Committee, Alia Nassif, warned of the attempt of the corrupt people in the Central Refineries Company to pass the order to expand and develop the Diwaniyah refinery, which was previously halted due to legal violations there.[/size]
    [size=45]She said in a statement today, “At the end of last year, the corruption mafia in the Central Refineries Company tried to pass an order to develop the Diwaniyah refinery at a value of[/size]
    [size=45]800 million dollars by referring it in the form of a direct invitation to a company affiliated with a very important former Kurdish official in the state, and the company is supported by a non-Kurdish political party. Then the order was stopped because it included major legal violations, and currently the corrupt people are trying to move it again and forced the employees to sign despite their objection. Note that the corrupt people in the central refineries who are racing against time to carry out their thefts and then flee abroad (so that their fate is not like the fate of the company director) are trying to woo influential people to pass this order.”[/size]
    [size=45]Nassif called on the Integrity and Public Prosecution Commission to “intervene immediately and open an investigation into this order, reveal those involved in it to public opinion, and refer them to the competent courts.”[/size]
    [size=45][You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

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