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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Parliamentary calls to put pressure on Türkiye economically to force it to release water quotas

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Parliamentary calls to put pressure on Türkiye economically to force it to release water quotas Empty Parliamentary calls to put pressure on Türkiye economically to force it to release water quotas

    Post by Rocky Mon 04 Dec 2023, 5:02 am

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    [size=52]Parliamentary calls to put pressure on Türkiye economically to force it to release water quotas[/size]
    • Today 12:20

    Information / Baghdad...
    On Monday, Vice Chairman of the Parliamentary Agriculture, Water and Marshlands Committee, Hussein Ali Mardan, stressed the importance of using the economic card against Turkey to force it to release Iraq’s water quotas.  
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    Mardan said in an interview with the Maalouma Agency, “Turkey did not commit to releasing Iraq’s water quotas and did not respond to the Iraqi government’s negotiations, and calls to release water were of no use.” 
    He added, "There are political and popular demands to cut off trade and economic relations with Turkey until water is released and strict political decisions are taken against Turkey." 
    He pointed out that "the economic pressure card is the strongest card that the government can take to pressure Turkey with the aim of releasing larger quantities of water to Iraq." 
    The representative of the State of Law coalition, Jawad Al-Ghazali, had previously accused Turkey of using the water file as a tool for blackmailing Iraq, indicating that the Iraqi side did not take advantage of the trade file with the Turkish side. Ended / 25 H
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      Current date/time is Sun 19 Jan 2025, 5:04 am