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    Operating the first phase of the integrated Arab trade line between Egypt, Jordan and Iraq

    Admin Assist
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    Operating the first phase of the integrated Arab trade line between Egypt, Jordan and Iraq Empty Operating the first phase of the integrated Arab trade line between Egypt, Jordan and Iraq

    Post by Rocky Sun 28 Jan 2024, 7:27 am

    [size=35][size=35]Operating the first phase of the integrated Arab trade line between Egypt, Jordan and Iraq[/size]
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    01-28-2024 | 06:13
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    Alsumaria News - Economy

    The Egyptian Ministry of Transport has operated the first phase of the integrated multimodal Arab logistical trade line between Egypt, Jordan and Iraq, to ​​serve the transport of goods in the Gulf countries to the ports of European and American countries.


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    The goods pass through the link between the ports of Aqaba and Nuweiba on the Gulf of Aqaba, and from there by land - currently - through Sinai through the Nuweiba Tunnel Road, and from there to the ports of Al-Arish, East Port Said, Damietta and Alexandria Al-Kabir, which is the route that represents the land part of the Taba Al-Arish logistical corridor, in order to be exploited for services. Direct sea ports between Egyptian, European and American ports, through the Egyptian Ministry of Transport in cooperation with the Iraqi and Jordanian Ministries of Transport.

    The goods are transported via trucks from Iraq and Jordan to the port of Aqaba in Jordan, then the trucks cross by sea inside ships to the port of Nuweiba, then by land through the Nuweiba tunnel road passing through Sinai to reach the ports of East Port Said, Damietta, and Alexandria, then they are shipped on ships to European and American ports.

    The Taba-Arish-Bir al-Abd-Al-Fardan railway line, with a length of 500 km, is being constructed to increase the volume of goods intended to be transported from the Gulf, Iraq and Jordan to Europe and America within the second phase of the integrated Arab trade line. Trucks in the ports of Nuweiba and Taba will be replaced by railway trains. This increases goods via railway lines, which connect with all Egyptian ports.

    It was put into operation at the beginning of January 2024, as Egypt amended all the necessary customs legislation to facilitate and increase direct international transit movement through the Egyptian state through the infrastructure of ports, road and railway networks, and the Egyptian Ministry of Transport also joined the “TIR” and “VINA 1968” agreements. Which facilitates the entry of foreign trucks to cross within Egyptian territory in the shortest possible time.

    The line is considered the fastest in arrival time, the least expensive, and the easiest in procedures and opportunities. It also contributed to linking Jordan, Iraq, and the Gulf states, through the Nuweiba sea port to the Egyptian ports overlooking the Mediterranean Sea and from there to the European market.

    For his part, the Egyptian Minister of Transport, Lieutenant General Kamel Al-Wazir, confirmed, according to the Egyptian Youm Al-Sabea, that the operation of this line came based on coordination between the Egyptian Ministry of Transport and the Jordanian and Iraqi Ministries of Transport through the strategic partnership with the Arab Bridge Navigation Company, and its operation also comes in light of the directives of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi. The President of the Republic transformed Egypt into a center for global trade and logistics, and the Ministry of Transport implemented an integrated plan to develop international multimodal transport hubs (land - rail - river - sea) and within the framework of the Taba - Al-Arish logistical corridor, which is currently being implemented within a number of 7 integrated international development logistical corridors.

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