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    of Iraq asks Offers first phase of the line to export oil to Jordan

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     of Iraq asks Offers first phase of the line to export oil to Jordan Empty of Iraq asks Offers first phase of the line to export oil to Jordan

    Post by Rocky Mon 12 Dec 2016, 2:05 am

    of Iraq asks Offers first phase of the line to export oil to Jordan[/size]
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    Iraqi oil facility

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     16 Hours Ago

    Twilight News / Iraq called on energy companies and investors to bid for the construction and financing of the first phase of the pipeline will eventually between the city of Basra in the south to the Jordanian port of Aqaba on the Red Sea.
    She projects the oil companies and the oil ministry overseeing the project arm of the Phase I work includes engineering, procurement, construction and financing of the pipeline to transport oil and gas fields connects Basra power plant near the holy city of Najaf.
    It was initially scheduled to go through the first phase of the Basra-Aqaba line across modern pumping station in Anbar province, but the concentration of fighters for the organization of the Islamic state in the desert region forced the oil ministry to change their plans.
    The pipeline will pass Anbar but not up to date in the north. And Bagtsarha in the first stage to reach Najaf postpone the ministry of construction work in Anbar Nfesa.
    Said Nihad Mousa, director of oil company projects that the deadline for submitting offers December 25 December is expected to conduct the bidding round in the first quarter of 2017.
    Moussa said the pipeline, which will stretch 350 kilometers along the capacity will reach 2.25 million barrels per day and Ciozeye gas transmission line.
    Akram said Shafiq great architect of the project work that implementation of the first phase will begin in 2018 and end in 2020.
    Shafiq said that the schedule of payments proposal was the subject of discussion with interested companies in Basra on Saturday, adding that the project will recover its investment within five years of completion.
    The people of Iraq of 12 companies and the joint venture initially qualified in 2013 to compete for a $ 18 billion to build a pipeline to Jordan, but the project was delayed due to the control of the organization Daesh on land in the west of the country will pass the line.
    Iraqi security forces and directed the organization of several cities and towns in the western Anbar province, which lies on the border with Jordan, but insurgents are still in control of some territory.
    The plan includes the export of one million barrels per day of Iraqi crude to Jordan which 150 thousand barrels per day to feed the blue Jordanian refinery, with the rest exported through the port of Aqaba.

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