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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

Welcome to the Neno's Place!

Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Special / Abadi al-Maliki threatened to topple his government in the event of conviction Asadi explo

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Special / Abadi al-Maliki threatened to topple his government in the event of conviction Asadi explo Empty Special / Abadi al-Maliki threatened to topple his government in the event of conviction Asadi explo

    Post by Rocky Tue 28 Oct 2014, 10:17 am

    Special / Abadi al-Maliki threatened to topple his government in the event of conviction Asadi explosives detection devices
    BAGHDAD - Iraq Press - October / October 28: revealed close to Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi source, on Tuesday, that the latter received a letter from the Vice President of the Republic of the current Nouri al-Maliki threatened to withdraw from the current government.
    The source, who declined to be named the fact that it is sensitive to / Iraq Press / that "al-Maliki sent a strongly worded letter to the head of the current government Haider al-Abadi, threatening him to overthrow his government if they were to condemn the oldest agent of the Ministry of An Interior Adnan al-Asadi, the issue of explosives detection devices."
    The source added that "al-Maliki warned Abadi to the existence of an agreement which provides for the formation of the current government not to prosecute 25 figure close to the former prime minister and not to bring any charge to them in exchange for his withdrawal from the prime minister."
    The source confirmed that "Interior Minister Mohammed Ghaban ordered an investigation with all the officials who passed detect explosive devices failed deal, including senior agent of the Ministry of Interior Adnan al-Asadi, who called it al-Asadi of the contact with Mr. al-Maliki and the exercise of his powers to stop pursuing legal action." Q ended. P

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