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    Maliki: We topple the government against al-Abadi

    Admin Assist
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    Maliki: We topple the government against al-Abadi Empty Maliki: We topple the government against al-Abadi

    Post by Rocky Sun 28 Sep 2014, 4:19 pm

    Maliki: We topple the government against al-Abadi

    Brother - Babylon
    Deputy President of the Republic, leader of the Islamic Dawa Party Nuri al-Maliki, on Sunday, said the party against overthrow the government of Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, and stressed that, those who call out demonstrations to overthrow unknown, while stressing the importance of giving government Abadi full opportunity for "the achievement of program ".
    Said Nuri al-Maliki during a joint press conference with the local government in Babylon held in the resort of Babylon tour that he "opposes any demonstration against the government of Haider Abadi, the new, the fact that those who intend to carry out these demonstrations is not known to us," but he also said that "demonstrations of a constitutional right, but not-so- circumstances. "
    Maliki said, "The government Abadi formed a short time ago, and we are in the Dawa party against drop," stressing the importance of "giving them a chance to complete its investigation, which was announced previously."
    And on the demands of some provinces to declare regions Maliki pointed out that "the establishment of the regions the right guaranteed by the Constitution, but not in these circumstances," stressing that "the situation requires us to postpone the subject until security conditions improve."
    In another context, The Vice President of the Republic that "we studied with the local government all the problems of the province and constraints, and we are considering Babylon, the capital of Iraq's historical, and we will follow up this issue with all competent authorities, as well as giving the province all entitlements financial, because they are experiencing a shortage of services."
    The vice president arrived Nuri Kamal al-Maliki, on Sunday, to the province of Babylon to see the conditions of the province, while the contract upon his arrival in a closed meeting with the local government to study the security situation and service.

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