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    Completion of border maintenance work will be "major milestone" in normalizing Iraq-Kuwait relations

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    Completion of border maintenance work will be "major milestone" in normalizing Iraq-Kuwait relations Empty Completion of border maintenance work will be "major milestone" in normalizing Iraq-Kuwait relations

    Post by Hkp1 Thu 21 Mar 2013, 2:16 pm

    Completion of border maintenance work will be "major milestone" in normalizing Iraq-Kuwait relations -- Kobler

    21/03/2013 | 09:13 PM | Kuwait News

    UNITED NATIONS, March 21 (KUNA) -- The UN special Envoy for Iraq Martin
    Kobler on Thursday said that the "major milestone" for normalizing
    relations between Iraq and Kuwait will be the "completion of boundary
    maintenance work," which "must be done" before the end of this month.

    have mentioned the progress achieved towards the normalization of
    relations between Iraq and Kuwait, including through Iraq's positive
    steps towards fulfilling its remaining obligations under Chapter VII of
    the UN Charter.
    A major milestone in this process will be the completion
    of boundary maintenance work," Kobler told the Security Council in an
    open meeting to discuss the work of the UN Assistance Mission in Iraq
    (UNAMI) which he heads.

    He said the finalization of the removal
    of obstacles along the border, in particular the three houses in Umm
    Qasr, is a "necessary step".

    "Understandably, this step is
    sensitive and politically difficult for Iraq, " he explained. "However,
    this must be done by 31 March".

    Iraqi Ambassador Hamid Al-Bayati expressed "hope" that the work will be done by that date.

    joint technical team is working on the border pillars maintenance
    project, hoping that they could finish by the end of this month and
    close one of the most important issues between the two countries,"
    Al-Bayati told the Council.

    "This would pave the way," he argued,
    "to bilateral relations based on mutual respect and common interest and
    paving the way for the exit of Iraq from chapter seven".

    also urged Baghdad to accept the Kuwaiti funds set aside with the UN to
    compensate Iraqi farmer pursuant to Council resolution 899.

    expressed hope that this progress will lead to consensus on further
    "outstanding issues, including the file of missing Kuwaiti national and

    He said he sensed during his visit to Kuwait earlier this month "a spirit of optimism with the Kuwaiti leadership".

    it is with much anticipation that I welcome the upcoming visit of the
    Prime Minister, Sheikh Jaber Al-Sabah, to Baghdad in the near future,"
    Kobler said.

    Al-Bayati said his government is "steadfast continuing
    the development of its relations with all countries of the region
    especially with the State of Kuwait".

    He urged the Council to
    assist Iraq in order to exit chapter seven
    that was imposed due to the
    "crime of Kuwait invasion by Saddam Hussein which made Iraq a threat to
    international peace and security".

    "Iraq today is not the Iraq
    before 2003... Iraq must regain the status it enjoyed before 1990," the
    year Iraq invaded and annexed Kuwait, he said.

    He complained,
    however, that Iraq is witnessing a political stalemate and an exchange
    of accusations among some of the political blocs, and that protests are
    continuing in a number of cities that are calling for a number of

    He indicated that the preliminary objectives of the
    demonstrations "deviated from the path of popular demands and they were
    infiltrated by terrorist groups aiming at stirring sectarian tensions
    and civil war".

    "The foreign and regional players that kidnapped
    the legitimate demands of citizens were exposed when the flags of the
    Free Syrian Army and portraits of foreign leaders were displayed during
    the demonstrations," Al-Bayati said.

    He noted that although Iraqi
    Security Forces are combating "terrorist activities, many of the rebel
    groups, including AI Qaeda are still active in parts of Iraq".

    indicated that foreign companies have invested more than 55 Billion in
    investment projects and service contracts and other activities in all of
    Iraq, and that direct foreign investment reached about 2 Billion after
    being almost zero from a decade ago, pointing out that these amounts
    don't include tens of Billions of Dollars of investments in the energy

    Nonetheless, he added, Iraq is working to attract
    investments to the country in order to contribute in reconstruction
    after years of suffering from neglect due to years of wars and

    Kobler also painted a bleak picture of the political
    situation in Iraq, warning that the political conditions are "weakening.
    In essence, the political fabric is fraying." "The deep-seated lack of
    trust threatens the political fabric and the social bonds that should
    bring Iraqis together in one united, federal country on the basis of the
    constitution," he said.

    He agreed with Al-Bayati that
    "terrorists seek to ignite sectarian conflict and turn the clock back on
    Iraq's nascent stability," indicating that between November 2012 to
    February 2013, 1,300 innocent Iraqis were killed and 3,090 injured.

    Kobler urged the parliament and the political blocs in Iraq to reach consensus on the oil-sharing revenue.

    sharing of immense natural resources of Iraq in a fair and equitable
    way is a must and a prerequisite to rebuilding the trust.
    We will
    continue to build trust no matter how difficult it is," he vowed. (end) KUNA 212113 Mar 13NNNN

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    Completion of border maintenance work will be "major milestone" in normalizing Iraq-Kuwait relations Empty Re: Completion of border maintenance work will be "major milestone" in normalizing Iraq-Kuwait relations

    Post by notazbad2000 Thu 21 Mar 2013, 3:02 pm

    Sounds as if he is talking in past tense. I'd say if the Kuwaiti PM went out to the borber...they were pretty much done.


    The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.
    Martin Luther King Jr., Strength to Love, 1963

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    Completion of border maintenance work will be "major milestone" in normalizing Iraq-Kuwait relations Empty Re: Completion of border maintenance work will be "major milestone" in normalizing Iraq-Kuwait relations

    Post by lonelyintexas Thu 21 Mar 2013, 3:11 pm

    That's a great article. And what I saw and heard this morning with the UNSC meeting. Things are moving right along. Look for them to have this border done in no time.
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    Completion of border maintenance work will be "major milestone" in normalizing Iraq-Kuwait relations Empty Re: Completion of border maintenance work will be "major milestone" in normalizing Iraq-Kuwait relations

    Post by zimi31 Thu 21 Mar 2013, 3:25 pm

    It all appears to be on track...10 more days will tell the story! ;)
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    Completion of border maintenance work will be "major milestone" in normalizing Iraq-Kuwait relations Empty Re: Completion of border maintenance work will be "major milestone" in normalizing Iraq-Kuwait relations

    Post by Screwball Fri 22 Mar 2013, 2:56 am

    notazbad2000 wrote:Sounds as if he is talking in past tense. I'd say if the Kuwaiti PM went out to the borber...they were pretty much done.

    I reckon you are right!

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