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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

Many Topics Including The Oldest Dinar Community. Copyright © 2006-2020

    the need to review the fiscal policy and banking reform

    day dreamer
    day dreamer
    Interacting Investor
    Interacting Investor

    Posts : 3197
    Join date : 2012-12-19

    the need to review the fiscal policy and banking reform Empty the need to review the fiscal policy and banking reform

    Post by day dreamer Wed 17 Apr 2013, 5:03 pm

    Optical: the need to review the fiscal policy and banking reform

    18/04/2013 12:00 AM

    Select the
    reasons for the high demand for the dollar
    BAGHDAD - Hussein ثغب of Tamimi
    expert stressed that the financial sector is suffering from weakness and
    imbalances in more than one side for some time, pointing to the need to work on
    activating scientific solutions to the problems of monetary policy, which is
    now affecting the overall operation of economic development are the most
    important ports in the country.
    expert, Dr. Kamal Al-Basri said: what is happening deformation in the structure
    of the Iraqi economy as a result of the reality of the economic policy which is
    based on the rentier economy, is not expected to control this deformation near
    out that the work requires the application of institutional governance
    vocabulary of the adoption of the competencies and strategic vision and a sense
    of responsibility as well as the adoption of transparency and ensuring the rule
    of law and to ensure participation and acceptance unanimously and achieve the
    goals of equality also can not be achieved in the near term.
    added that the solutions in the monetary policy requires a long time to achieve
    the desired results, based on the factors affecting the local currency in Iraq
    find it necessary to divide solutions and procedures into two parts first is
    quick solutions (short-term), which include reducing pumping hard currency
    (cash sales) at auction Central
    Bank and the adoption of increased foreign remittances, and increase the price
    of cash sales at the central bank auction for the equivalent selling price in
    the auction of foreign remittances in order to cancel the profit realized due
    to the difference between the two prices, as well as the cancellation of the
    sale and purchase of foreign currency by remittance companies and financial
    companies to mediate and transferred through banks licensed in Iraq
    in order to reduce the non-compliant transactions to the terms and procedures
    adopted, forcing traders and dealers in the areas of trade exchange between
    Iraq and neighboring countries to deal financial transfer and letters of credit
    instead of cash purchase and commitment to information transparency auction and
    cash transfers and development of an electronic information system.
    radical solutions (long-term) they include reviewing the financial policy of
    the state and reduce inflation in spending and operational speed up plans to
    reform banking in order to facilitate the procedures for exchange the cash in
    addition to improve the tax code and work to expand horizontally while reducing
    tax evasion and activating the law of customs tariff because of its important
    role in provide
    incentives for producers with feature of economic leading to a reduction in the
    size of imports and improve revenue labor as well as improving the business
    environment of economic in order to raise the efficiency of production for
    companies and institutions of local productive that will reduce imports and
    increase the intake of foreign exchange through export, as well as to attract
    foreign investment to Besides
    using the mechanisms of modern electronic distribution of salaries and the use
    of instruments, banking and encourage Aledjarbma can issue a new currency or
    deletion of zeros from the current currency Alikun have positive effects
    psychic dealers in local currency. continued optical saying: The past few
    months have seen devaluation of the Iraqi dinar against foreign
    currencies, reaching in some cases the market Parallel 1300 dinars per dollar,
    after it was stable on the rate of 1185 dinars per dollar, despite the
    stability of the selling price of the Central Bank's 1166 dinars with a
    commission of 13 dinars of remittances any 1179 dinars and 1171 dinars to the
    sale of cash, indicating that This
    indicates the high demand for the dollar in the domestic market so as to
    several factors, the most important external factors, where it formed the
    political and economic crises in neighboring countries (Syria and Iran) and
    embodied in the need for these countries to the dollar currency and foreign
    that you received is a decline in domestic currency in those countries and
    reflected down the price of exports to Iraq, and create windows to attract the
    dollar from Iraq to those countries through the stock attractive for the Iraqis
    and the same time a source of hard currency to the Iranians and the
    the other hand sees visual There is a social coherence and prisoners with those
    countries may also be an outlet for the exit of the dollar but it is difficult
    predict Bmekdarh. In
    addition to the business environment, represented by economic factors, which
    result lead to a flight of domestic capital and the decline of foreign
    investors, including political instability and the absence of the rule of law
    in economic transactions. He
    said: There is no doubt that the time period that followed the 2008 has seen an
    improvement in the security situation and then in the rate of inflation and the
    exchange rate. However,
    the economic environment is still repulsive acts do not encourage project
    planning medium or long-term.
    led to limited activities on some business and commercial projects yielding
    profit fast, but I doubt that the percentage of it turning to other countries
    suffering from scarcity of liquidity arising from the impact of the financial
    crisis that began in late 2008 (reaching rank Iraq 165 of 183 countries in
    pointed out that fiscal policy has seen over the past years high rates of
    government spending at rates greater than any other country in the world
    (increased public spending of 34.6 trillion dinars in 2004 to 117.1 trillion
    dinars in 2012) and most images spending is consumer lead to a rise in spending
    outside world (travel, medical services and seminars, and import of goods and
    investments in real estate projects, etc.), and also led to a rise in net Iraqi
    currency traded amounting to 36 trillion dinars in 2013, bringing the demand
    for foreign currency, where the value of imports of Iraqi 37302.7 million
    in 2010 to $ 40632.5 million in 2011 at a rate of change of 8.9 percent.

    optic to the weakness of tax policy of not applying the law of customs tariff
    and of course the consequent flooding the market with goods and services
    payable in dollars often also twice as efficient collection of dues tax ensures
    achieved additional profits may find their way because of poor credit Iraqi
    banking abroad Authority dollars.
    that Iraq is a country described as undergoing transition and political
    instability, economic, and this led to the proportion of individuals maintain
    accounts in foreign banks abroad, and getting these conversions directly
    proportional to the height of the oil revenues.
    said the improvement in Iraq's per capita income of 1670 dollars to 5400
    dollars makes looking for more consumption in terms of quantity and quality.
    factor is reflected in the market through external spending on the import of
    machinery and new materials or by increasing spending on foreign consumer
    goods. As
    the weak governance and the rule of law embodied Bagr public money and
    corruption, and an example of the determination of speculation for projects
    with more than its real value, this situation leads naturally to raise the
    frequency conversion of the Iraqi dinar dollar and went on saying either
    remittances family from abroad In previous years there have been a
    significant proportion of family remittances from abroad are to the inside and
    on the impact of improvement in the rate of income individual Iraqi far these
    remittances have fallen to large ranges. He
    pointed out that the presence of remittance companies and financial brokerage
    firms (parallel market) led to the promotion of practicing foreign remittances
    of cash put pressure on asset of the dollar and was the first adoption of
    transfers of credit, and pointed to the low incomes of foreign currency non-oil
    due to lower grants and international aid for reconstruction and reverse
    In the U.S. presence
    in Iraq in particular. As
    for the areas of trade at border crossing points, the presence of these areas
    encouraged to pay cash in dollars directly at the border points of contact,
    which thus lead to a direct increase in demand for the dollar.

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