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    Solution to declare their support for the government of technocrats

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Solution to declare their support for the government of technocrats Empty Solution to declare their support for the government of technocrats

    Post by Rocky Sat 02 Apr 2016, 2:37 am

    [ltr]Solution to declare their support for the government of technocrats[/ltr]

     Since 01/04/2016 18:30 (Baghdad time)
    [ltr][You must be registered and logged in to see this image.][/ltr]
    [ltr]  Baghdad balances News[/ltr]
    [ltr]The solution internalized movement in the Federation of Iraqi forces announced on Friday its support for theGovernment of technocrats, and those Asfhh important step in the transformation of specialized management of theresources of the Iraqi state after April 2003.[/ltr]
    [ltr]The movement said in a statement received / balances News / copy of it, that "there is no objection to theGovernment of technocrats in Iraq if they were actually able to devise realistic and logical solutions capable of dealing with Iraq and the deep - rooted problems hiring the best shape of its resources."[/ltr]
    [ltr]He confirmed, that "as far as support for the approach technocrats, can not hide our fear and Tojsna that call for atechnocrat be a new attempt to exclusion and exclusivity in judgment."[/ltr]
    [ltr]She stressed that " the demand for technocrats in Iraq today is no longer a requirement administratively to solvethe dilemma of the state administration, but turned into a " requirement partisan "political in essence disguised cloak of technocrats, as evidenced by a technocrat government that proposed by Mr. Abadi and support a political coalition."[/ltr]
    [ltr]It concluded its statement , " As we share the political forces Takovadtha attempts to offload the concept oftechnocrats from professional content, and convert the call's (government of technocrats (l) political call) itself , " calling for "Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi and political forces in the parliament for the adoption of clarity and lackof manipulation of feelings demonstrators or delay their demands. "ended 29 / d 24[/ltr]

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      Current date/time is Mon 13 Jan 2025, 10:32 am