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    Hillary Used Huma As A Spy For The Clinton Foundation, As The Clintons Prostituted United States Int


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    Hillary Used Huma As A Spy For The Clinton Foundation, As The Clintons Prostituted United States Int Empty Hillary Used Huma As A Spy For The Clinton Foundation, As The Clintons Prostituted United States Int

    Post by Lobo Wed 02 Nov 2016, 1:38 pm

    Hillary Used Huma As A Spy For The Clinton Foundation, As The Clintons Prostituted United States Intelligence To The Highest Bidder.
    by IWB · Published November 2, 2016 · Updated November 2, 2016

    by Pamela Williams
    The whole Clinton web of deceit is glowing with revelations as the sun rises with each new day.  Secrets and old habits are being revealed as the FBI and WIKILEAKS work for the same goal: to hold the Clintons accountable.  They have adversaries in high places who wish to keep secrets and the same ole’ practices in place.  WIKILEAKS refuse to sell out, and Congress has pushed FBI Director Comey to do the right thing.  We should not forget that Comey said he could bear to see the resignations from his top agents piling upon his desk.  And we need to thank Utah Representative Jason Chaffetz for sticking with this Investigation, as he is receiving death threats at this time.  Congress has done an excellent job, and they have had great influence on the FBI to do the same.
    The Justice Department is working hard against the FBI right now, and John Podesta’s best friend has been assigned as Assistant Attorney General to “investigate the Clinton email scandal along with the FBI”…SURE…Loretta thinks we are all so stupid.  Loretta, we are on to you bigtime…give it up.  WE THE PEOPLE will be watching as the FBI continues to reveal the truth to the public.
    The Abedin/Weiner Investigation is one that will continue to grow and reveal many untold secrets of the Clinton Foundation…after all the Clinton’s bread and butter is at the center of all of this.  Lets not forget the great job the NYPD and Attorney for the State of New York, Preet Bharara, are doing to get the truth out.  They discovered the Clinton classified emails on Anthony Weiner’s computer, and they immediately alerted the FBI.  The NYPD and the FBI are working together in an ongoing investigation of the Clinton Foundation.  Things are going to blow wide open.
    Huma says she does not know how the emails got onto Weiner’s computer. I am beginning to believe her.  I think every evening when Huma brought her laptop home to print the emails off for Clinton, Weiner downloaded them to his “life insurance” file to keep as protection from the Clinton Mafia…or from the authorities in the case that he was caught for child pornography.  He actually had a photo on his computer of his erection with his little boy lying next to him.  That is clearly the actions of a child predator.  He needs to be taken off the streets, but since he is cooperating with the authorities he will probably get away with it.
    Clinton was trading Intelligence from the Highest Levels of the United States Government in return for donations to the Clinton Foundation.  Her best client was Saudi Arabia.  Remember that Huma Abedin is from Saudi Arabia, and her whole family is there.  The Abedin Family have deep ties to Al-Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood organizations.  In fact the family business shares the same address as the Muslim League.  The Abedins print a Muslim Journal at that same address, which speaks for itself.  Huma Abedin is literally embedded with the wrong families:the Muslim Brotherhood, the Weiners, and the Clintons.  Families are not always about love – families can kill you.
    “This is part of the wider pattern that the Clintons, Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton, have become fabulously wealthy by prostituting and selling the influence of the American government to the highest bidder, in this case many of the Saudi Arabian, Moroccan, Kuwaiti, Qatar, (Persian) Gulf nation royal families and governments,” he added.
    An analyst says Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and her husband, Bill Clinton, have become rich and influential in US politics through “selling the influence of the American government” to Saudi Arabia and its allies. 
    Scott Bennett, a former US Army psychological warfare officer, made the remarks on Wednesday when asked about a new release by the FBI of documents concerning former President Bill Clinton.
    The Clintons have a decades-long history of corruption, Bennett said, and “Congress has had this material since 2012 and it is beginning to move on it now because of the WikiLeaks revelations and the increasing public outcry for investigation into fraud and corruption.”
    While secretary of state from 2009 to 2013, Bennett said, Clinton was involved in “a dual role in accepting money to the Clinton Foundation in exchange for her favors as well as Bill Clinton’s favors” for countries that are “vested in the Saudi Arabian-Wahhabi crusade to destabilize the Middle East.”
    FBI Director James Comey reopened the agency’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails last week because “almost 100” agents threatened to resign before next week’s election, former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay told Newsmax TV. “A few weeks ago, almost 100 agents were threatening Comey that they were going to resign — and that kind of pressure is what turned him around,” DeLay, 69, the majority leader from 2003 to 2005, said on Tuesday’s “The Steve Malzberg Show.” “It wasn’t Comey or his integrity. “I know he made a huge mistake when he indicted Clinton — though not indicting her — but now he’s trying to turn that around. “He had to do it now or have all these FBI agents resign,” he added. …

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