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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Police forces foil suicide attack east of Ramadi


    Posts : 10738
    Join date : 2013-02-20

    Police forces foil suicide attack east of Ramadi Empty Police forces foil suicide attack east of Ramadi

    Post by jedi17 Tue 10 Jan 2017, 11:31 am

    [size=39]Police forces foil suicide attack east of Ramadi[/size]

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    Security forces arrest a suspect.

    Anbar ( Anbar Police Command announced on Tuesday foiling a suicide attack, using a booby-trapped vehicle, and arresting the suicide bomber, east of the city of Ramadi.
    Police Chief, Major General Hady Zerig, said in a press statement, “Anbar police forces managed, at afternoon today, to seize a booby-trapped vehicle and arrest it driver in Juwaiba al-Nassaf area, east of Ramadi.”
    “The Bomb Squad was able to dismantle the vehicle,” Zerig explained.
    “Members of the Islamic State are collapsing, after the liberation of the majority of districts and areas in Anbar. The remaining areas will be fully liberated in the few coming days,” Zerig further added.

      Current date/time is Sun 19 Jan 2025, 5:30 pm