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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    In short

    Admin Assist
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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    In short Empty In short

    Post by Rocky Thu 02 Feb 2017, 2:22 am

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    In short

    Cabinet needed electricity buying local products 

    announced the Ministry of Industry and Minerals, Wednesday, approval of the Economic Committee of the Council of Ministers, to compel the Ministry of Electricity, buying local products. 
    A spokesman for the media and the Ministry of Industry Abdul Wahid al - Shammari said in a statement that " the Economic Commission decided to oblige the Ministry of Electricity to buy products manufactured in my company Diyala public Ur subsidiaries to the Ministry of Industry and Minerals and recommendation to the Council of Ministers to approve the Law on Protection of these two companies ' products and oblige the Ministry of Agriculture to purchase their requirements of fertilizer manufacturers in the General Company for the manufacture of fertilizer affiliate themselves to the ministry according to the energy production and needs. " He pointed out, " The Economic Committee also approved the draft rehabilitation of the production of liquid oils and detergents at the General Company for Food Products lines as well as a recommendation to the Council of Ministers for approval to cancel the assignment and apply the terms of the solution consensual on the contract signed between the State Company for Drugs and Medical Supplies Inc. Ghyath Sukhtian Jordan. " 
    As the Committee recommended according to the statement , "During the meeting , the establishment of the Ministry of Industry and Minerals in agreement with the beneficiaries on the treatment of letters of guarantee and agree to hold a deliberative meeting between the ministries of health, planning and industry to study the possibility of exemption of the Arab Company for antibiotics (Akai) from the delay penalties and other courses" 

    work given objection 366 removed from care network 

    announced that the Ministry of Labour and social Affairs, said that "senior committees formed under the chairmanship of judge in the five provinces received more than 360 appeal and upheld the inclusion of more than 3000 request by subsidizing social protection. 
    a spokesman for the Ministry of Labour Ammar Menem, in a statement that "High commissions in the provinces [ of Baghdad, and Najaf, Karbala, Babil and Salaheddin] upheld the 366 decision to exclude, and re - inclusion of 3967 a decision last special re - inclusion subsidy of social protection and for such period of 26 from January until the first of February this day. 
    "The province of Baghdad supported the inclusion of 750 applications to social protection and received 110 requests for objection, as upheld Najaf province , the inclusion of 139 applications to social protection and received 27 requests for the interception, while upheld the province of Karbala , the inclusion of 244 applications to social protection and received three requests for objection, also backed the province of Babylon , the inclusion of 2629 request for social protection and received 186 applications for the objection, as well as Salah al - Din province as it upheld the inclusion of 205 requests for social protection and received ten requests for objection. 
    He said Menem said " the new social protection Law No. 11 of 2014, which included the formation of high commissions in Baghdad and the provinces to consider requests interception excluded protection network salaries, referring to determine a period of 30 days from the date of notification of beneficiaries fundamentalist according to the law. " 
    He called on the ministry spokesman who has been excluded from social protection ' salaries according to the results of the Ministry of planning to submit their objections before the expiration of the prescribed period from the date of their notification to stop the subsidy, pointing that the High commissions will be reimbursed in the event of objections form submitted outside the period stipulated by the law. " 
    He said the "Article 10 of the Law on Social Protection states to assume the Director of the Department of Social Protection in the province to decide the request to grant the subsidy within 30 days and will be notified of the beneficiary registered letter return ticket or by e - mail in the absence of a review of a person. 
    He stressed that the launch of the subsidy to those who have accepted their objections requests the retroactive each person be returned to the protection program and that the mechanisms of re - inclusion, refused to exclusion include either re - interview and take statements excluded or re - social research, or assignment again on medical committees are then re - issue the decision either to re - inclusion or support a resolution of exclusion because they are above the line poverty.
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