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    Moscow denies planning to build new military bases in Syria

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Moscow denies planning to build new military bases in Syria Empty Moscow denies planning to build new military bases in Syria

    Post by Rocky Tue 21 Mar 2017, 2:32 am

    Moscow denies planning to build new military bases in Syria

    Written by : mohanad in:March 20, 2017In: the Arabs and the world No Comments Print E - mail
    Nur News / agencies
    denied the Russian Defense Ministry, on Monday, and there are plans to create a subsidiary military bases in Syrian territory.

    This came after the reporting of Western media for news about about "establishing a new military base" in the Syrian town of Afrin north of the country.

    The news agency quoted "Sputnik" Russia Today, a statement from the Ministry of Defense as saying that "there are no plans to build any new Russian military bases on the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic."

    The statement said that "the transfer of a branch of the Center for Russian reconciliation in Syria (located in Humaimam base in the city of Latakia) to the town of Afrin in the line of contact between the Kurds and the Free Syrian Army to observe the ceasefire, based on the agreement reached between Russia and Turkey."

    Earlier in the day, "Reuters" agency quoted a spokesman for the militants, "j b k" Redor Khalil, it was agreed to establish a Russian military base in the town of Afrin area, northwest Syria.

    The units "j b k" is the armed wing of an extension of the Syrian Organization "My Ka Ka" terrorist.

      Current date/time is Fri 20 Sep 2024, 9:09 am