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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Maliki: self-determination referendum exceeded the law

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 271530
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Maliki: self-determination referendum exceeded the law Empty Maliki: self-determination referendum exceeded the law

    Post by Rocky Wed 28 Jun 2017, 2:01 am

    Maliki: self-determination referendum exceeded the law

    Babil, Iraq - June 27: Vice-President Nuri al-Maliki said on Tuesday that the referendum on self-determination "exceeded the law, declaring the end of the phase" advocated "in Iraq.
    "Iraq has been able to overcome the challenges it has faced since the fall of the regime and the entry of foreign forces. It has succeeded in defeating the armed groups that claimed to be fighting the occupier and are targeting the official institutions and infrastructure," al-Maliki said during a rally held by the tribes of Khafaja in Babylon. With the aim of dropping the new democratic experiment in Iraq, and succeeded in getting out foreign forces, "noting that" the enemies also bet on the destruction of Iraq and its division through the sedition of demonstrations and sit-in tents and then the formation of an organization calling the terrorist, but the tomb of sedition to liberate the land and eliminate The criminal organization of the sacrifices of the sons of the popular crowd and security forces. "
    Maliki said that "Iraq is one unified country governed by a constitution and national wills and a history of honorable positions," noting that "the demand to organize a referendum on self-determination on a national or sectarian basis is a transgression of the law, because the Iraqi constitution does not contain the so-called self-determination."
    "There is no minority in Iraq. All are citizens of the country and all are equal in rights and duties," he said, expressing concern that "under the heading of openness with the outside, infiltrators infiltrate the countries supporting terrorism and achieve their goals at home through holding conferences abroad."
    He called on the state institutions to "take care of the private sector in Iraq and the businessmen who have given it great attention." He pointed out that "one of the priorities of our project is to support the economic sector through interest in the agricultural aspect and reactivate the work of the agricultural initiative. Finished

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