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    Maliki: the budget deficit in 2014 exceeded 55%, which is a scary number

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Maliki: the budget deficit in 2014 exceeded 55%, which is a scary number Empty Maliki: the budget deficit in 2014 exceeded 55%, which is a scary number

    Post by Rocky Wed 29 Oct 2014, 6:51 am

    Maliki: the budget deficit in 2014 exceeded 55%, which is a scary number

    BAGHDAD - ((eighth day))
    Warned a member of the Committee of Economy and Investment parliamentary MP Abdul Salam al-Maliki, the government of the economic crisis would run Iraq in the next year if they do not take into account the Parliament's proposals about the pressure of expenditure in the budget next year and confined to an operating to overcome the shortfall in, indicating that the increase in oil exports and the issuance of bonds Foreign loans are the Labs solutions to overcome the economic crisis expected in next year's budget.
    Maliki said in a statement received ((eighth day)), a copy of it, that "the current year's budget deficit in 2014 exceeded the gain of 55%, which represents between 80-90 trillion dinars a scary number did not hear him previously in the budget of any country in the world, therefore, this It would represent a major setback for Iraq economically in the absence of finding a quick and radical solutions to overcome this deficit if we want to balance out next year be of admissibility and consistency. "
    "The government is required to determine the true revenue during the current year, according to divide it with pressure expenses dramatically and limited to operational and other aspects related to arming the SPLA and the crowd and the file of the displaced, in addition to disbursements proportions must be correct 100% of the fact that the government got the ancestor of the ministries and arming EP and the crowd and used the ratio of the twelfth of the budget and any financial allocation unless it is included in the budget would be a violation of the law of the State Administration Act funds for the year 2005 ".
    Maliki said that "the ratio of the amounts spent on the operating budget exceeded 106 trillion dinars and the expected size of the Iraqi imports is 96 trillion dinars, and this will make the deficit ratio approaching ten trillion dinars and a gain of 12% or less within the next budget year, which is acceptable somewhat, therefore, the government by taking the views of the parliament and limiting the coming budget on an operating aspects to reduce the deficit between the budgets this year and next differences. "
    Maliki and pointed out that "the differences associated with the salaries of the Kurdistan region staff is another obstacle contributed to the complexity of the problem of the budget," noting that "the increase in oil exports through the coordination of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries with the issuance of government bonds and go to the international banks sober cooperating countries with Iraq to get soft loans with retrenchment is currently the most prominent solutions to overcome the budget deficit ratio in order to ward off an economic crisis in Iraq increases the burden of the country with the burdens placed on it in the face of terrorism. "
    T / A n

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