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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    State of law and citizen: We warn against targeting the popular crowd

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    State of law and citizen: We warn against targeting the popular crowd Empty State of law and citizen: We warn against targeting the popular crowd

    Post by Rocky Sun 19 Nov 2017, 2:02 am

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    State of law and citizen: We warn against targeting the popular crowd

     Baghdad / Range 

    The United States Congress categorized a popular terrorist group as a "terrorist organization", describing the measure as "clear" to the assembly law.
    "The inclusion of the US Congress in the list of terrorist organizations is a provocative measure for all popular factions that have fought the most dangerous terrorist organization in the world and have made enormous sacrifices," MP Ali al-Adeeb, head of the State of Law bloc, said in a statement. In order to eliminate it and rid the peoples and countries of the world of the crimes committed not only in Iraq, but reached Europe and America. "The United States is supposed to pay the penalty and criminalization to declare and give thanks to all factions and factions that fought terrorism, which threatens the peace and security of the world and was able to rid Iraq and the world of its evils." The head of the State of Law bloc that "
    In a press statement, al-Khudhari described the attempts as "taking the pulse of the Iraqi situation in order to target the popular crowd in full and final fashion, forgetting his heroic positions that saved Iraq and the world from the most dangerous gangs that threatened all countries, including America." He called on the head of the bloc of the Supreme Council "the Iraqi government and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the House of Representatives, especially the Committee on Foreign Relations and all political forces to do their duty and express their rejection of these targets and revealed this scheme." In turn, the Hezbollah Brigades condemned the decision issued by the Congress, and called on the Iraqi government to show a clear and responsible national position towards it. 
    "Our dear Iraqi people have not been surprised by the hostile American positions against their popular mobilization and their militant Islamic factions," said a statement from the faction within the popular crowd.
    "While the crowd and the resistance factions are still fighting, the US Congress has announced its decision, in which the terrorist movement has counted a terrorist group, to reaffirm the aggressive approach of the US administration, its repeated attempts to impose guardianship on the dear Iraqi people, Internal affairs and targeting its own strengths. " 
    The statement continued: "We reject and condemn this aggressive American decision. We call upon the Iraqi government and all those who seek political affairs to express a clear and responsible national stance towards this blatant intervention targeting the jihadist situation of the youth of Iraq who have given their country and their people dignity and dignity. Our security and our sovereignty and our existence, and push them to work by all means, to break the violence and arrogance and parents, to our dear people, so that they can easily control and abuse the dignity and looting of wealth.

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