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    House of Representatives to raise its voice Tuesday after the law and proceeded to vote on the bill

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    House of Representatives to raise its voice Tuesday after the law and proceeded to vote on the bill  Empty House of Representatives to raise its voice Tuesday after the law and proceeded to vote on the bill

    Post by Rocky Sat 04 Jan 2014, 9:06 am

    House of Representatives to raise its voice Tuesday after the law and proceeded to vote on the bill last 

    04-01-2014 .. Baghdad (news) .. the voice of the House of Representatives, minutes of the third legislative term of the second legislative year, the fourth, which was held under the chairmanship of Osama Najafi, head of the House of Representatives and in the presence of 179 deputies, on Saturday, on a bill with one proceeded to vote on the labor law. 

    According to a statement of the Council received the Agency (news) copy of it: that at the beginning of the meeting initiated by any of the above-Hakim Najafi said that the House is still awaiting the arrival of the financial budget for the year 2014 after it is approved by the Council of Ministers expressed the hope that is sent soon. 

     Then the Council voted on a draft law on ratification of agreement on the encouragement and protection of investment between the Government of the Republic of Iraq and the government of Armenia and submitted by the Committees on Foreign Relations and the Economy and Investment, which aims to encourage and protect investments between the two countries. 

    On the other Council proceeded to vote on the draft labor law, submitted by the Committee for Labor and Social Affairs, which is an indicator of the principles enshrined in the constitution of that work is a right for all Iraqis to ensure them a dignified life and the country will endeavor to provide a broader social guarantees and find a law that regulates the relationship between workers and owners work according to economic principles and that the state guarantees the right to form trade unions and professional associations and join them and the fact that Iraq has ratified many conventions Arab and international labor and to find the law in line with the provisions of these agreements and the introduction of the principles and provisions in this new law and to move for a long time on the validity of the Labor Law No. 71 of 1987 The fact that most of its provisions does not correspond and the nature of the current stage as well as the conflict with a lot of international labor standards ratified by the Government of the Republic of Iraq and work to expand the work culture and ethics to ensure harmony and integration between the rights and duties as a base for launching towards decent work and to find legal cover for workers contracts in government departments and the public sector and make their service is guaranteed for the purposes of giving them pension rights and respect for fundamental principles and rights of workers laid down in international conventions and treaties of freedom of association and protection of the right to organize and collective bargaining and the elimination of all forms of forced labor, child labor, equal pay and the minimum working age and to prevent discrimination in the use of professional and vocational training and to organize practical vocational training pre-operating and re-training and taking the principle of collective agreements to define the rights and obligations of workers and employers with regard to vocational training and to organize the work of working women and the work of the events and the work of foreigners in Iraq and determine the times of work and wages for workers and their vacation and unify the provisions of trade union action with the provisions of the rules work and what took its modern legislation and asylum to negotiation and arbitration and peaceful solutions before resorting to strike peaceful vacation law and determine how to solve the collective and individual disputes that arise between the global organization and one or more employers and the formation of the Labour Court in all provinces and determine the terms of reference and appeal provisions. 

    Najafi then decided to postpone the vote on the bill until ripening, calling the Legal Committee to participate with the Committee for review and amend the wording in order to speed legitimizes soon. 

    As was decided to adjourn the meeting to next Tuesday, corresponding to 07/01/2013.

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