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    Commission displaced submit its report to Parliament in session tomorrow

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    Commission displaced submit its report to Parliament in session tomorrow Empty Commission displaced submit its report to Parliament in session tomorrow

    Post by Rocky Sun 03 Aug 2014, 5:35 pm

    Commission displaced submit its report to Parliament in session tomorrow

    8/4/2014 0:00

    In preparation for the enactment of legislation to facilitate the government relief

    BAGHDAD - Shaima Rashid

    Progress of the parliamentary committee responsible for monitoring the situation of displaced people on the ground during its session on Tuesday as a prelude to enact laws that make it easier for the government's actions in carrying out relief called deputies to the need to resolve this issue by eliminating the gangs Daash to avoid increasing their numbers.

    The parliament formed a committee for the circumstances surrounding the displaced in a field in all the provinces, headed by Speaker Salim al.

    He revealed the Second Deputy Speaker of Parliament and a member of the Committee Aram Sheikh Mohammed, that the meeting of the Council of Representatives for tomorrow will see the Commission to provide a detailed report on the situation of the displaced.

    Said Sheikh Mohammed's "Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network," The Commission has a field visit to the city of Mosul and nearby areas and briefed on the situation of the displaced, and the Council will have to say his chapter to take appropriate action to develop solutions for displaced persons who are in many areas of the other provinces. "

    The government continues to distribute federal grant displaced families from the northern provinces with assistance in kind by the Iraqi Red Crescent and international relief organizations and local communities.

    The MP said the state law Ahmed Alati that the Commission's report will be discussed in earnest during tomorrow's meeting, he said in an interview for the "morning" that the issue of displaced task has instructed the President of the Council, Salim al formation of a committee in this regard is made ​​up of the heads of blocs who in turn are preparing MPs who walk in Committee's work, noting that the Commission's work is distributed among the provinces to see the displaced families and the needs of housing and the provision of food and medical supplies and raise their reports to the House of Representatives during the session tomorrow, so there will be the position of the presidency of the Council in this regard and take measures to provide amounts for the displaced and others.

    He described a devastating problem of displaced people as a large and must be solved at its roots by eliminating Daash as a first step in order to bring them back to their homes and to stop the process of displacement and to avoid the growing number of displaced people.

    The gangs Daash terrorist seized control of the city of Mosul, and several regions belonging to the province of Nineveh on June 10 last and the displacement of thousands of families and killed hundreds of civilians and the burning and destruction of mosques, churches and houses of worship, while continued Iraqi forces and the Army Aviation and Air Force strikes in a row for those gangs, killing and wounding hundreds of them ., in turn, drew the Civil Alliance MP Abdul Azim Ejman that the issue of displaced people need the cooperation of public and government at the same time. He said the "morning" that the issue has become a great need of all segments of the people to stand with each other, especially with the presence of large numbers of displaced people in the provinces and the need for urgent concerted efforts of all citizens for carrying out relief, along with the efforts of all state institutions, including the Ministry of Displacement and Migration.

    He continued that the House discussed in a previous session the subject of displaced people and there will be a discussion in tomorrow's meeting about reports of the committees set up in the provinces in this regard and I got to the field and continued with the displaced in order to deliver the amounts allocated to them in this regard, which was allocated to each family million dinars, calling the allocation of a continuous monthly payment for them.

    He was a member of a committee to pursue the conditions of the displaced temporary parliamentary UNAM we said earlier that next week will see the issuance of legislation and decisions by the House of Representatives to support the government in its efforts to provide assistance for the displaced from the provinces, especially displaced city of Mosul. He added: The decisions and legislation to be prepared by the Commission and presented to the House of Representatives for a vote related to the treatment of conditions of the displaced through government effort on the levels of security and living conditions, as well as legislation and decisions relating to compensate the property of Christians and non-Christians seized by Aldoaash during the past few days, indicating that the Commission will follow File displaced from all the provinces and will continue its work until the end of the security problems and the return of displaced persons to their homes.

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