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    Security expert: Neighboring countries do not want Iraq to have a strong army

    Admin Assist
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    Security expert: Neighboring countries do not want Iraq to have a strong army Empty Security expert: Neighboring countries do not want Iraq to have a strong army

    Post by Rocky Thu Jul 21, 2022 3:12 pm

    [size=35][size=35]Security expert: Neighboring countries do not want Iraq to have a strong army[/size]
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    2022-07-21 | 14:29
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    Security expert Adnan Al-Kinani confirmed today, Thursday, that the Turkish bombing of northern Iraq raises many question marks about the main reason for the recurrence of these operations.

    Al-Kinani said in an interview with the "Shreen" program broadcast by Alsumaria satellite channel, "What happened in the region raises many question marks about the main reason for the recurrence of these operations, and about who can carry out these violations," explaining that "perhaps the Turks, perhaps the Workers' Party, and perhaps there are other parties trying to It was she who carried out these attacks."

    He added, "The military leaders that Al-Kazemi sent to the scene of the accident will not do anything, and it was necessary to send experts in military engineering and forensic evidence to find out the real party behind these attacks."

    Al-Kinani pointed out that "cutting diplomatic relations with Turkey is a possible reaction because the Iraqi forces are not qualified to fight in the mountainous areas and are not comparable to the Turkish army, and we have no air or aviation defense capable of confronting the attacks on the country."

    And he indicated that "the neighboring countries do not want Iraq to have a strong army capable of protecting its lands."

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