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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    In preparation for winter... Electricity issues four directives and sends a message to citizens

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    In preparation for winter... Electricity issues four directives and sends a message to citizens Empty In preparation for winter... Electricity issues four directives and sends a message to citizens

    Post by Rocky Tue 25 Oct 2022, 5:25 am

    In preparation for winter... Electricity issues four directives and sends a message to citizens

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    Economy News - Baghdad
    On Monday, the Ministry of Electricity issued directives in preparation for the winter season, while explaining the reason for the delay in operating the connection with Turkey.
    The ministry's spokesman, Ahmed Moussa, told the official news agency, "There is a plan and directives issued by the ministry for all its formations and electrical production, transmission and distribution companies to ensure the introduction of obstetric units and a program of periodic and emergency maintenance and raise their readiness to be a tributary of the system of obstetric energies necessary to keep pace with the peak winter loads."
    He added, "The ministry follows the plan of periodic maintenance of obstetric units, and there is a need to replace spare parts for some obstetric units," noting that "the obstetric units entered an intensive maintenance program to complete them in the best way for the upcoming winter season."
    He pointed out that "a thermal examination was carried out on all the lines of the transport sector, and the necessary insulation was carried out for the transmission lines, as work is underway in the electrical circuit breakers, to complete and renew the transmission lines, which achieve a wide and sufficient availability in the discharge of the produced loads."
    He explained, "The ministry worked to introduce inter-provincial transmission lines to achieve stability, reliability and high readiness for the electrical network to discharge the loads."
    He pointed out that "there are directives issued to the distribution sector to complete their operations, to support distribution networks such as pruning trees, removing bottlenecks, creating feeders, and installing mobile stations in pregnancy centers, and this is reflected positively on processing hours."
    He stated, "The ministry has issued directives to citizens through awareness campaigns, stressing the necessity of safe and good use of electrical network parameters, and we are approaching a winter season and there is rain and wind, so it is necessary to deal carefully with electrical network limiters, and to call the hot numbers for complaints centers."


    Views 169
    Added 10/24/2022 - 4:02 PM
    Update 10/25/2022 - 10:47 AM
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