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    Infallible in limited session full of secrets

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    Infallible in limited session full of secrets  Empty Infallible in limited session full of secrets

    Post by Rocky Sun 31 Aug 2014, 9:05 am

    Infallible in limited session full of secrets 

    Posted 30/08/2014 07:15 PM

    Babinaoz / Agencies: Time

    The President of the Republic Fuad Masum intention to proceed with a project to establish an extended conference of national reconciliation ensures cross the difficult phase through which Iraq, pointing out, in a session limited with two newspaper editors, including yesterday, to (that this project was accepted by all political actors). 

    He said that (the formation of the next government will provide an environment appropriate to expand the participation of all parties). Across infallible optimism about the steps made by the Prime Minister-designate Haider Abadi, on the road to accommodate the demands of parliamentary blocs, praising at the same time, the parties political retreated from its demands higher and expressed cooperate to pass the government according to the base of real participation and absorb the significance of welcoming the Arab and international commissioned Abadi. He expressed satisfaction about the atmosphere understandings despite some sharp statements issued by some of the parties and cause congestion Iraqi street.

    He revealed infallible intention to hold meetings and high-level talks with all countries to open up to the surrounding regional and international levels and to settle disputes inherited them, stressing the desire to begin those meetings soon while attending the meeting of the General Assembly of the United Nations in New York next month. He said he wanted infallible also doing the rounds include the first foreign neighboring countries, referring to (the need for close ties with Saudi Arabia, Iran and Turkey, by virtue of the geographical nature of the border with wide regional and weight). And declaring that Iraq will deal with these countries, despite their differences, Bajunh is not one of them through the eyes of the other).

    He revealed infallible also about the movement to establish a number of hierarchical organizations to broaden the base of the upper decision-making related to defense and national security, foreign policy and the executive authorities that make decisions collectively, and acceptable to all sects. He pledged that he (will be president of all Iraqis, and that he will work with all his energy in order to spare the country from the ravages of the division and fighting). He added that he (managed to hold bilateral contacts urgently with European countries and the United Nations, urging them to broaden the participation of the European Union and the International Organization in the provision of humanitarian aid and to provide logistical support in fighting with Daash), condemning at the same time (crimes against religious minorities and nationalism).

    Masum said (that the crimes that have occurred in Mosul and other cities should pay for everyone to work together to meet the challenges of the fateful), expressing his belief that the occupation of Daash Iraqi cities contributed to the narrowing of the gap between Baghdad and Erbil and do missions joint military purge some of those cities and the formation of committees Security joint. 

    And on the steps made by Abadi, to form a government, said Masum (the understandings reached a good stage and I think that the names of the ministers will be delivered to him today (Friday) as a prelude to Darsthe and the granting of approval), expressing the belief to enter a lot of new faces to the ministerial cab which applies Description efficiency and integrity. Infallible and saw that the coming stage will witness a qualitative shift in looking at the components of Iraq in terms of the issuance of the decisions of the general amnesty for prisoners and convicts, also stressing the necessity to differentiate between the innocent and the offender and avoid taking the first lost in the second, whatever the degree of kinship or affiliation. He said (we will begin practical steps in this direction and will stop the bombing, which targeted innocent people in Anbar and Mosul) .ouchehdt session, which lasted several hours, Astzkarat mission in life is infallible, especially those that relate to the era of the study graduate in Egypt and political activity which Zawelh the reign of the late Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser and his meetings with Iraqis residing poles and the Arab national movement. He described the task that era too, because it had created a climate of understanding of the conditions of the Kurdish movement and its legitimate demands. It seemed infallible aware of the fact that the gravity of the Arab and international leadership of President Abdel Nasser, stating the facts about the meetings and by the leader of the Kurdish movement Mustafa Barzani and the rest of the pillars of his party. He revealed infallible memory for vivid still full of a lot of details and reservation of many poets, as well as a review of the secrets of some of the stations that have gone through in his life, especially in my contract eighties and nineties of the last century. And accept aspects of secrecy that has dialogues between the leadership of the Kurdish movement and members of the former regime and backgrounds and Kowalasha. He disclosed that these dialogues almost up to happy endings for not emphasizing it was shown by some members of the delegation system, pointing out that in a time when Izzat al-Duri, Ali Hassan al-Majid, Barzan al-Tikriti, showing flexibility Van Tariq Aziz seems Most of them tighter and roughness, leading to the collapse of the agreements, explaining The possession of documents of correspondence that were taking place between the two parties and he completed chapters of his memoirs this Con.ccant (time) has asked infallible for former President Jalal Talabani Viblgha (his health looks good and he receives a lot of guests and listen to them and interact with conversations), indicating that the (doctors and has found it difficult to talk while they work in order to overcome this problem by adopting techniques and medical technology). It also crossed the (time) for fear of attempts to internationalize the Iraqi crisis through the project of French President Francois Hollande, the establishment of an international conference on Iraq, but the infallible found in the project an expression of international concern worthy of the support and approval, although he Matrouh as a French connection has, in fact American acceptance of a European and even Iranian Saudi. He said (that projects of this kind does not release Kmbadarat unless secured her limbs international response). He chose infallible approach to it by recalling a draft UN Security Council to impose Latitude 36 to protect the Kurdish region of the targeting of the former regime. And raised (time) on the sidelines of the meeting's proposals for strengthening the relationship of the independent press under the chairmanship of the Republic and the chances of establishing traditions supported in democratic countries, based on the expansion of its presence in the meetings of local and international contacts and make access to information available to the public based on the guaranteed right Baldstor.oabr infallible appreciation for it and the desire to achieve this right, promising to repeat similar meetings with journalists and expanded.

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