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    Parliamentary Legal: More than 170 suspended laws in the House of Representatives

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Parliamentary Legal: More than 170 suspended laws in the House of Representatives Empty Parliamentary Legal: More than 170 suspended laws in the House of Representatives

    Post by Rocky Wed 14 Dec 2022, 6:02 am

    Parliamentary Legal: More than 170 suspended laws in the House of Representatives

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    2022-12-13 08:15

    Shafaq News/ A member of the Parliamentary Legal Committee revealed, on Tuesday, that there are more than 170 suspended laws in the parliament, while pointing to the vote on the budget law in the new legislative term of the parliament. 
    Committee member Omid Muhammad told Shafaq News agency, "There are more than 170 suspended laws in all parliamentary committees, and they have accumulated since the previous sessions of the House of Representatives," noting that "there are two reasons for delaying and enacting laws. The first is the large number of laws and their disruption from previous sessions, and the second reason is political events. which took place in the first legislative year of the current session.

    He added, "In my opinion, work should be done to draw up a table of suspended laws and distribute them into categories (A, B, and C) to know the important and most important laws, including the civil service law and the amendment of the general amnesty." 
    And Muhammad stated, "After the completion of the cabinet, there is no justification for the House of Representatives not to legislate laws," stressing that "the new legislative term of the House of Representatives will witness the enactment of many important laws, including the general budget law for the year 2023."
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