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    China Gold Exchange Launches Tomorrow


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    China Gold Exchange Launches Tomorrow Empty China Gold Exchange Launches Tomorrow

    Post by Neno Thu 18 Sep 2014, 5:45 pm

    China Gold Exchange Launches Tomorrow Sge

    China Gold Exchange Launches Tomorrow

    September 17, 2014 

    By JC Collins

    This site has attracted some of the most intelligent readers on the internet.  Most of them relentlessly search for updated information and confirmation of the probabilities which we discuss here.  When stories break I’m usually provided a link well before I find it myself or other blogs pick up the story and run with it.

    One reader who has been with me from the beginning, deejj87, sent me a link last night from Reuters stating that China has advanced the launch of the renminbi denominated Gold Exchange by 11 days.

    The story can be found here:

    As of this morning no other blogs are running this story which I find interesting considering the sense of urgency that is usually given to other stories.  It’s almost as if the sudden date change by China was not expected by the pre-planning and story writing departments of many so-called alternative media sources.

    It’s these little gaps in manufactured storytelling which can both betray and relay more information about intent and purpose than a thousand contrived angles.

    In the Reuters story we also learn that the Singapore exchange has been delayed.  This two prong adjustment has likely thrown a curve ball and we can expect a cause and effect scenario to play out over the next few days.

    What this means is that sudden shifts like these are usually followed by other sudden and dramatic reactions to counter whatever advantage was to be gleaned from the initial change.
    Going back to the original story we learn the following:

    The change was made based on the availability of some government officials to participate in the launch event, one of the sources said, adding that all 11 physical gold contracts will begin trading on Thursday.

    The ability to bring forward the launch, which will mark the first time foreign players will be allowed to participate directly in China’s physical gold market – the biggest in the world, shows the country’s preparedness with the exchange that it is hoping will become the center of Asian gold trading.

    The first thing I notice here is that the foreign offering of the 11 renminbi denominated gold contracts has been moved up by 11 days.  And of course this is taking place in the 9th month of the year.

    Since I’m both bored and distracted easily I can’t help but reference back to the numerical importance of 9’s and 11’s as discussed in the post Three Days to the Falling Man.

    Anyway, moving on from occult numerology it is important to remember that things are in motion and even more so on what may appear to be a slow news day.

    Let us be vigilant in watching for acts of desperation.  And don’t forget to notice the masonic pillars outside the Shanghai Gold Exchange.  – JC

    P.S. – British Columbia, Canada was the first foreign government to issue renminbi denominated bonds, not the UK.  Just saying.
    Interacting Investor
    Interacting Investor

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    China Gold Exchange Launches Tomorrow Empty Re: China Gold Exchange Launches Tomorrow

    Post by weslin3 Thu 18 Sep 2014, 6:32 pm

    Read this late last night also. Was wondering how this would effect the world markets. Lots of things going down or up. lol Scotland is a trip

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