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    Approval of the transit project between Iraq and Iran

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Approval of the transit project between Iraq and Iran Empty Approval of the transit project between Iraq and Iran

    Post by Rocky Wed 07 Feb 2024, 4:47 am

    Approval of the transit project between Iraq and Iran

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    2024-02-07 03:25

    Shafaq News/ The head of the Iraqi Border Ports Authority, Omar Adnan Al-Waeli, announced on Wednesday that his country’s approval of the transit project between it and Iran.
    Al-Waeli said in a press conference held in Iran that the implementation of this project has a major economic impact on the two countries.

    He added that it was agreed on the necessity of cooperation between the two sides to prevent drug and weapons smuggling and secure the border crossings of the two countries.
    The security advisor to the Iraqi Minister of Interior, Saad Maan, arrived in Iran at the head of a security delegation representing a number of the ministry’s departments and institutions, in addition to the Border Ports Authority, represented by its president, Omar Adnan Al-Waeli.
    Upon the arrival of the Iraqi delegation, Major General Maan and his accompanying delegation held a meeting with a number of security leaders in the Iranian Ministry of Interior, headed by Undersecretary Miri Ahmed.
    The meeting was devoted to discussing the early preparations between the two countries to make the upcoming fortieth visit a success and to complete the meetings between the delegations of the two countries through the joint committee of the Iraqi Ministry of Interior and its Iranian counterpart. All means that would make the visit a success and provide security and logistical services that would enable the visitors to perform this sacred ritual were discussed.
    The two delegations [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] discussed a number of common topics of mutual interest, including combating organized crime and drug smuggling and strengthening the foundations of security cooperation between the two neighboring countries in order to achieve stability and combat crime.
    The delegation then met with Iranian Interior Minister Ahmed Vahidi, who welcomed the Iraqi Interior Ministry delegation, stressing the importance of holding bilateral meetings between the two countries in a way that enhances security stability.

      Current date/time is Fri 20 Sep 2024, 6:10 pm