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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Chaos in a government auction.. and a parliamentarian confirms the factions’ “domination” over Ninev

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Chaos in a government auction.. and a parliamentarian confirms the factions’ “domination” over Ninev Empty Chaos in a government auction.. and a parliamentarian confirms the factions’ “domination” over Ninev

    Post by Rocky Thu 08 Aug 2024, 5:18 am

    Chaos in a government auction.. and a parliamentarian confirms the factions’ “domination” over Nineveh projects (video)

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    2024-08-08 05:04

    Shafaq News/ Chaos prevailed in a government auction for an industrial workshop set up by the Mosul Municipality and broadcasted live on social media.
    A circulating video, published below by Shafaq News Agency, showed a person collapsing during a live broadcast by Mosul Municipality, after bidders entered his workshop, which he has been operating for years in the industrial district on the left side of Mosul, as part of a public and legal auction.
    For its part, the Mosul Municipality issued a clarification regarding what happened during the auction, describing what happened as a “play” to evade paying the rent imposed on one of the people.
    The municipality said in a statement, seen by Shafaq News Agency, that "the people whose voices rose during the live broadcast of the public auction that took place on a garage for inspecting cars in the industrial area on the left coast, are the sons of the previous tenant of the garage (who refused to pay rent to the directorate for nearly 20 years) and whose contract was terminated by a court ruling."
    Mosul Municipality considered that "these people were seeking to confuse, disrupt or postpone the auction, and influence the remaining 10 competitors, in order to evade paying the debt and disrupt the garage rental procedures."
    In the same context, Nineveh MP Sherwan Al-Dobardani confirmed the “domination” of armed factions and economic offices over the auctions taking place in state institutions in Nineveh Governorate.
    Al-Dobardani told Shafaq News Agency, "The armed factions have come to control most of the auctions and tenders taking place in the city of Mosul with the help of some people affiliated with Mosul," stressing that these factions "were and still are seizing lands and investment projects in Nineveh."
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