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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Optimism ....


    Posts : 5316
    Join date : 2012-12-20

    Optimism .... Empty Optimism ....

    Post by wciappetta Sat 06 Dec 2014, 5:50 am


    6/12/2014 0:00 

    Mohammed Jabir 

    came visiting delegation of the Kurdistan region, headed by Nechirvan Barzani, head of the provincial government after a multiple positive meetings with delegations of previous committees looked at the outstanding problems between the center and the region, which goes to the integration of the national unity of Iraq tomorrow line 

    and not Iraq ditching convulsions and the language of the indictment and mutual accusation, it has become trends of the blocks and political components toward one Iraq and one people facing terrorism and guerrilla "Aldaashah" in different parts of Iraq, and docked Kurdish fighter with his brother Arab fighter shoulder to shoulder to defeat terrorism, that terrorism does not differentiate between the blood of the Arab and Kurdish or Christian blood from the blood of a Muslim or Yezidi or Sabian, or any component or Mzhb.hzh

     meetings at the level of executive leadership in the state and the resulting statements and official data are promising and open windows of hope in the purification of the atmosphere and push the Iraqi citizens toward optimism and faith better tomorrow and work to ensure the success of the case for change and reform in the state institutions and society in general . 

    The optimism of citizens and stimulate creativity in the source of the work is to speak clearly and flour which touches of Dr. Haider Abadi, the prime minister told when he says that "the interests of Iraq is greater than all" and also his statement, "I do not believe that there is a problem is solvable in accordance with the Constitution, justice and equity",

     which is speech that prompted the President of the Kurdistan region Barzani to respond in a positive spirit on the positive Ebadi propositions, where he said that "the steps that you are making encouraging for all Iraqis, and we aspire to open a new page for the benefit of all of Iraq, not the Kurdistan region only" .

    hatan sentences for Ebadi and Barzani Tdallalan on the language New in the Iraqi political discourse that gives hope and optimism, addition to a single constitution, which was the former political discourse sticking by an extreme, and led to a spasm of the relationship between the province and the center in previous years overlapped with other elements which give rise to the positive spirit in solving problems such as justice and fairness,

     This is required at the current stage, since its success at this stage require to achieve justice and fairness among the Iraqi people Qatabh.hma political and economic openness by the Centre and the government pays the province that take paid this openness positive steps first start Butti paper differences with the center, that appeared in previous years and start line a new page entitled "optimism in the Iraqi bright future," where the price of the President of the provincial government steps Abadi described Palmhdjah for all Iraqis and the precise characterization of an ambitious politician, which pays the Kurdistan Regional Government to open new pages away from look Kurdistan purely but inclusive Iraqi look, all Iraqis, including the sons served Cardstan.

    oma greatest need today's Iraq for such bilateral dialogues that ends the differences and develop solutions to problems and deepen the positive dialogue between all Iraqis language and make them united in confronting the terrorist criminal gangs challenges that want to kill Iraq and all the people perish authentic. 

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