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    Detection of Iraqi efforts to hold a secret agreement with Washington to engage its ground troops in

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    Detection of Iraqi efforts to hold a secret agreement with Washington to engage its ground troops in Empty Detection of Iraqi efforts to hold a secret agreement with Washington to engage its ground troops in

    Post by lonelyintexas Wed 07 Jan 2015, 10:59 am

    Detection of Iraqi efforts to hold a secret agreement with Washington to engage its ground troops in the battle to liberate Mosul
    07-01-2015 10:15 AM
    Free -
    Confirms officials and leaders of the Iraqi military, in the recent period, near the time of the battle to liberate the upcoming Mosul, at a time when reveals early political source for 'governmental efforts are being made ​​to hold a secret agreement with Washington to involve US ground forces in the liberation of Mosul. "
    explains the source that 'military commanders Iraqis and politicians recognize that the Iraqi army is unable to resolve the battle of Mosul, especially considering that they have not entered Iranian forces to Mosul to the sensitivity of the area, for fear of the reaction of the people of the province who reject the policy of Iranian interference '. And refers in his statement, the new Arab newspaper that 'leaders are also trying not to involve the Kurdish Peshmerga forces in the battle, for fear of the repercussions of the recent successes, and with which the Iraqi street dramatically interaction, at a time lacking confidence in the Iraqi army, which does not hurt in favor The central government, as far as what is in the favor of the Kurdistan Regional Government. "
    The study proves reality on the ground, according to the Iraqi source itself, that 'the Iraqi army, supported by the popular crowd, he can not make any progress in Mosul, without US support Barre. Thus, the battle will be lost, so the decision was made ​​at the request US ground force in secret with the start of implementation of the plan. "
    The source asserts that 'the decision taken by the General Commander of the Armed Forces, in consultation with senior military commanders, and will be coordinated with Washington in this regard', pointing that the prime minister Haider al-Abadi 'trying to start editing Mosul as soon as possible, because it is trying to make a breakthrough on the ground to his credit.'
    Speaking to the same newspaper for his part, sees security expert strategic, confident Obeidi, to 'talk about the battle of Mosul requires preparations great, especially that the Iraqi army is now ready to fight any battle of psychological and logistical side '. Confirms that 'the Iraqi army if he wants to launch an attack on the connector, should be assisted by the US Army, because the results, without the use of it, would be counterproductive', pointing out that 'in the case of the army defeated a second time will be the end of him, and will greatly affect the security situation of the country, as well as that it would work in favor of the organization 'Daash' moral '.
    nor deny the Kurdish leader, Chuan Mohamed Taha, ', that' there is a strategic agreement between Iraq and the United States, on several topics, including the military side, which includes training, arming and assisting the Iraqi forces in time of need, and this is an explicit agreement. '
    Taha believes that 'in the event of an intention to attack on the connector, it requires the use of US troops and NATO forces of Iraqi forces, to the fact that now the war is not against Iraq alone, but a war on the international community, and the Iraqi forces unprepared and unable to edit Mosul '. Taha and stresses the 'importance that there be a role for the children of the families of the city of Mosul in the battle, and the need for training and armament before the battle',
    stressing 'the need to battle precedes the quality of strikes by coalition aircraft in preparation for an attack.' And calls on the Kurdish leader on the Government to 'deal with the issue of Mosul carefully and wisely, and without subordination to political agendas, and that the calculated parents account, they are more than a million and a half were in the province', adding: 'lives are not cheap.'
    speaks the Iraqi government since the liberalization Mosul, is the imminent attack on them, while skeptical, military and security experts in the Iraqi army's ability to resolve the battle and achieve successes in Mosul.
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    Detection of Iraqi efforts to hold a secret agreement with Washington to engage its ground troops in Empty Re: Detection of Iraqi efforts to hold a secret agreement with Washington to engage its ground troops in

    Post by CITEX Wed 07 Jan 2015, 12:41 pm

    for fear of the reaction of the people of the province who reject the policy of Iranian interference '

    So the do not want Iranian troops there but would be OK with American Troops...
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    Detection of Iraqi efforts to hold a secret agreement with Washington to engage its ground troops in Empty Re: Detection of Iraqi efforts to hold a secret agreement with Washington to engage its ground troops in

    Post by fonz1951 Wed 07 Jan 2015, 1:08 pm

    CITEX wrote:

    So the do not want Iranian troops there but would be OK with American Troops...
    ironically, yes they would rather u.s. troops be there.
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    Detection of Iraqi efforts to hold a secret agreement with Washington to engage its ground troops in Empty Re: Detection of Iraqi efforts to hold a secret agreement with Washington to engage its ground troops in

    Post by duck2000 Wed 07 Jan 2015, 3:45 pm

    and if a few thousand troops stayed in kurdistan dont think they would mind!

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    Detection of Iraqi efforts to hold a secret agreement with Washington to engage its ground troops in Empty Re: Detection of Iraqi efforts to hold a secret agreement with Washington to engage its ground troops in

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