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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Mashhadani: balance the 2015 budget facto


    Posts : 5321
    Join date : 2012-12-20

    Mashhadani: balance the 2015 budget facto Empty Mashhadani: balance the 2015 budget facto

    Post by wciappetta Thu 22 Jan 2015, 8:10 am

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    By [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] 22/01/2015 01:14 | Views: 18
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    Brother - Baghdad

    Described the leader in the national list and the former chairman of the Iraqi parliament a draft financial budget discussed by the Parliament Act as a* "fait accompli" budget, likely vote on them after making minor changes to its draft.
    Mashhadani said in a statement received for News Agency (et) a copy of it, that "Parliament will discuss in this period, the budget facto imposed by the Iraqi economic conditions, especially after the drop in world oil prices, what a lot of damage to Iraq has caused on the grounds that the budget depends largely on revenue the sale of oil. "
    Mashhadani said that "the most significant challenge facing Iraq in the current year is the economic challenge because it is associated with Bakot Iraqis," adding that "the economic situation experienced by the country is very difficult."
    Mashhadani He continued that "it is likely that the House will vote on the current year's budget after making minor modifications to the draft law."

    *Fait Accompli: an accomplished fact; a thing that has already happened or been decided before those affected hear about it, leaving them with no option but to accept.

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    Posts : 5321
    Join date : 2012-12-20

    Mashhadani: balance the 2015 budget facto Empty Re: Mashhadani: balance the 2015 budget facto

    Post by wciappetta Thu 22 Jan 2015, 8:15 am

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    Thursday, 22 January 2 / January 2015 13:26
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    MP for the National Coalition Mahmoud al-Mashhadani, the budget bill to "balance the status quo."

    Mashhadani said in a statement received by all of Iraq [where], a copy of it today, "The Parliament discusses the budget [de facto] and imposed by the Iraqi economic conditions, especially after the drop in world oil prices, which a lot of damage to Iraq has caused on the grounds that the budget depends largely on revenue the sale of oil, "likely" vote after making simple changes to its draft. "

    "The most significant challenge facing Iraq in the current year is the economic challenge because it is associated with Bakot Iraqis."

    He said al-Mashhadani that "the economic situation experienced by the country is very difficult."

    He was a member of the parliamentary finance committee Jabbar al-Abadi, said that "the budget proposals will be ready on the agenda of Parliament next week," he said, adding that the current financial budget in stages transfers, adding that "the crowd and popular displaced holy shrines have priority in transfers," pointing that "the first hearings next week will be the budget for fiscal year 2015 proposals on its agenda."

    The Second Deputy Speaker of the House Iaram Sheikh Mohammed said on Wednesday that the parliament will hold an emergency session on the state budget in 2015 in case law project was completed by the parliamentary finance committee.
    The House of Representatives has ended in its meeting on 12 January of this, the second reading of the budget in 2015 after completion of the discussion by the political blocs in several previous sessions while granting Speaker Salim al-Jubouri of the Finance Committee of time an opportunity to submit its final report on the budget and taking into consideration the observations House of Representatives.

    It is said that Iraq is facing financial hardship and a lack of liquidity with a large fiscal deficit is estimated at 60 trillion dinars due to lower global oil prices to below $ 50 per barrel, especially since the Iraq depends on oil rents by up to 85%, prompting the adoption of a policy Austerity and saving .anthy

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