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    President Masum receives credentials of ambassadors of Italy and Somalia in Baghdad


    Posts : 28411
    Join date : 2013-01-12

    President Masum receives credentials of ambassadors of Italy and Somalia in Baghdad Empty President Masum receives credentials of ambassadors of Italy and Somalia in Baghdad

    Post by Lobo Wed 24 Jun 2015, 6:03 pm

    President Masum receives credentials of ambassadors of Italy and Somalia in Baghdad

    21/06/2015 19:15
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    BAGHDAD / Nina / President of the Republic Fuad Masum received on Sunday the credentials of the ambassadors of Italy Marco Carnelos and Somalia Khadija Makhzoumi.

    A presidential statement said today that Masum received the new Italian ambassador and wished him success in the performance of his duties as ambassador of his country in Iraq, stressing the readiness of Iraq's full cooperation with Italy.

    Masum stressed on the importance of bilateral relations, particularly in the areas of development of industry, agriculture, tourism and services sectors in Iraq and doubling the study opportunities for Iraqi students in Italian universities, as well as the need for expansion and revitalization them in the service of the people of both countries, and the importance of Italy's support for Iraq in its war against terrorism.

    Masum also stressed during a meeting with Somali Ambassador to Iraq's full readiness for the success of the work of Ambassador tasks, referring to the depth of relations between the two brotherly countries, particularly cooperation in the fight against terrorism, and the need to strengthen the bonds of friendship between the two peoples.

    For her part, al-Makhzoumi conveyed to the President the greetings of Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud, confirming her work to make every effort in order to develop relations between the two countries for the benefit of the two peoples, Iraqi and Somali. / End

      Current date/time is Tue 04 Jun 2024, 10:52 am