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    State of Law: Central sales exceed Airadtna oil and justifications are no longer compelling

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    State of Law: Central sales exceed Airadtna oil and justifications are no longer compelling Empty State of Law: Central sales exceed Airadtna oil and justifications are no longer compelling

    Post by Rocky Wed 03 Feb 2016, 6:29 am

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    State of Law: Central sales exceed Airadtna oil and justifications are no longer compelling

     BAGHDAD / Mohammad Sabah 

    Download a coalition of state law, yesterday, on the policies of the Central Bank, which is headed by one of its members, considering that the last justification for bleeding hard currency "is no longer convincing." 
    He coalition surprised exceeded central bank sales of oil revenues, wondering whether the latter began to sell part cash reserves? 
    this is the first time that criticizes the coalition of state law one of its members who take executive responsibility. The former prime minister monument, before leaving for the office, on the Keywords as governor of the Central Bank after he was in charge of the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers. 
    To it confirms the Parliamentary Finance Committee that Iraq is losing more than 57% of its petroleum revenues in the currency auction. The Commission estimates that the money be transferred out of the country, goes to 80% of them into the pockets of corrupt, and that what goes into the cargo does not exceed the value of 20% of the money coming. 
    After having reached auction sales volume of the currency over the past few years (314) billion launched the Integrity Committee parliamentary warnings from wasting all central bank reserves in the auction currency and smuggled out of Iraq in the event keep things as they are it. " 
    said MP Ali al-Adeeb, head of the coalition of state law, said that" hard currency auction in the central bank became the subject of criticism by many specialists and politicians, "adding that" interpretations of the governor of the central bank on the currency auction are not convincing. " 
    he added the writer, in an interview with the (range), said that" our imports of oil daily up to $ 60 million while the auction currency, and declares that he sells more than 170 million dollars, "asking," Does this mean that the auction currency began to sell the monetary reserves of the Iraqi government? ". he adds," If this it means that there is a tragedy of the financial crisis in the country. " 
    the attention of the President of the State of law bloc parliamentary that" there eligibility banks are benefiting from all this process taking place in the currency auction, "stressing" the existence of elements or points of benefit from currency auction at the expense of the Iraqi economy. " Asks a senior leader of the state law and the Dawa Party, "Where the disposal of these dollars? And where to go? Because every dollar go outside Iraq is supposed to place comes a commodity?". 
    In the same context, says MP Magda al-Tamimi, a member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, that "the central bank sales foreign currency amounted to 145 million dollars a day, "attributed the sales by the decline in recent periods to" a lack of oil revenues as a result of falling prices in the global markets. " 
    explained Al-Tamimi, told the (range), that" the period between 2006-2014 and reached revenues government of crude oil to $ 551 billion, while the central bank sales of the currency reached during this same period, nearly $ 312 billion. " 
    said member of the Finance Committee that" nearly 57% of the volume of oil revenues go to the auction currency and that of 20-15 % go to the importation of goods, while the remaining 80% go into the pockets of the corrupt. " 
    al-Tamimi, a member of the Liberal bloc, confirmed that" the Finance Committee was diagnosed, in its reports that work on numbers at the moment, offenders and businesses phantom non-registered operating names in the currency auction, "she said near send the names to the integrity Commission.   
    MP Magda Tamimi and stresses that" the corrupt are now benefiting from the market price of the official and the price difference in the auction currency. " 
    in the meantime, the parliamentary integrity Committee confirms that it monitors the performance of the currency auction in the central bank, is continuously, referring to calling the bank's governor, during the last period, for the irregularities and violations of the auction. 
    confirms MP Abdul Karim Abtan Jubouri, told the (range), that "there are companies and the names of fictitious intervention in the currency auction and get the billions of dollars," pointing to the "the integrity Commission referred the file is complete and detailed to the integrity Commission and the judiciary." 
    He Jubouri that "the integrity Committee addressed the Ministry of Commerce on some businesses that intervention in the currency auction even though it is not registered at the latest." Revealing that "the existence of organized smuggling of foreign currency from Iraq operations through these companies and personalities phantom." 
    On the smuggling routes followed by the participants in the auction currency, a member of the Integrity Commission, shows that "the dollar price specified B116 thousand dinars for each $ 100, while it sells private banks and even companies in markets B123 thousand dinars, "and wondered, saying," who is that take advantage of the difference between the official two prices in the markets? ". 
    He warns member of the national bloc of" waste of all central bank reserves in the currency auction and smuggled out of Iraq in the event of the survival of things as they are by at the central bank without any treatments for these irregularities and violations that you get. " 
    confirms a member of the integrity Committee that" the auction sales volume of currency coating the past years and even the current period amounted to 314 billion dollars most smuggled out of Iraq through commercial companies hire bills forged to get billions of dollars from behind it. " 
    the attention of the Attorney Karim Abtan to" the existence of 16 fake trading company is registered in the Federal Ministry of Commerce intervention in the currency auction on a daily basis as well as the existence of fake banks. " 
    among Abtan saying" these commercial companies collaborating with some banks through the deposit of its money in these banks for the import of certain goods and the central bank on the basis of that grant companies and banks hard currency. "
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