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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Japan donates $ 4 million to help Iraqis and Syrians displaced in Iraq

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Japan donates $ 4 million to help Iraqis and Syrians displaced in Iraq Empty Japan donates $ 4 million to help Iraqis and Syrians displaced in Iraq

    Post by Rocky Sun 03 Apr 2016, 4:27 am

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    Japan donates $ 4 million to help Iraqis and Syrians displaced in Iraq

     BAGHDAD / long-Presse 

    Japan announced, on Saturday, a donation offour million dollars, the International Organization for Migration, to support theIraqis and refugees displaced Syrians in Iraq, and while suggesting to finance two projects Khaddmyin for the relief of displaced people over the next year, confirmed that its contribution would boost humanitarian response to the International Organization for Migration ( IOM ) and the "crisis of displacement current . " the 
     international Organization for migration ( IOM ) in Iraq said in a statement received (range Press), a copy ofwhich," the government of Japan has provided a total of US $ 4 million to the international Organization for migration and the Mission of Iraq to support Iraqi refugees displaced Syrians and to finance two projects in 12 months , "pointing out that "allocation of 3.5 million US dollars to help the displaced through the international Organization for migration projects by responding integrated contingency plan and revitalization plan ofdisplaced persons and returnees and host communities , communities across Iraq." 
     the statement added, " the project will focus on building makeshift shelters from local materials to thedisplaced communities and belonging and provide primary health care for mothers and children through mobile medical teams to communities that stumbles upon access to health services , "pointing to" make a list on thebasis of societal cohesion social activities. " 
    the statement, that" social activities include peace - building and traditional mediation practices and highlights to enable community groups to ensure the effective and young people , ethnic minorities and religious participation of women , "stressing that" the project will incorporate materials donated by the Government ofJapan , including eyeglasses to be presented to the children of displaced Iraqis . "He continued thestatement," the US $ 500,000 will be used for the purpose of assisting Syrian refugees and the families of thehost community in Iraq by another project which will contribute to the emergency to earn a living for Syrian refugees in Iraq to help , "noting that" the activities will include the provision of transportation to schools for the children of Syrian refugees and provide vocational training and business training and income-generating activities through the involvement in cooperatives and rehabilitation of structures infrastructure in thecommunity in line with the adjustment of the Syrian refugees plan. " 
     and showed the organization that" these projects are in line with the strategy of the international Organization for migration ( IOM ) to provide support to the most vulnerable groups across Iraq , in close collaboration with humanitarian partners, which is based on the international Organization for migration experience in Iraq for more than ten years in the provision of humanitarian assistance and to support therevitalization of the community. "

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